[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 07:06:35 PST 2011

It is my understanding that, without a helper, you are uploading 
multiple copies of each file.  Which leads to my next question; has 
anyone successfully configured a helper, and if so, what guide did you 
use?  Tahoe documentation is a bit lacking IMHO...

On 03/01/2011 06:49 AM, Earney, Billy C. wrote:
> Yesterday I was off work, and I decided I’d place a few GB of files on
> our grid. This seems to be taking quite a bit of time (over 24 hours for
> ~10GB). I’m thinking the bottleneck could be my upload bandwidth, since
> the cpu is mainly idling. If my memory serves my upload speed should be
> around 1Mbps.
> Any suggestions from veterans on how to debug this, or maybe how to
> increase upload throughput?
> Billy Earney
> earney at umsystem.edu <mailto:earney at umsystem.edu>
> Programmer/Analyst-Expert
> Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis (OSEDA)
> University of Missouri
> Phone: 573-882-7396
> Fax: 573-884-4635
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soli Deo gloria

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