[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid
Brad Rupp
bradrupp at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 08:28:06 PST 2011
It seems to me that it may make sense to run a helper even if you have
an asymmetrical internet connection. Granted, the helper will not
alleviate the slow upload speed of the asymmetrical connection.
However, it would be beneficial to help mitigate interrupted connections
from the client.
Given enough disk space for the temporary files the helper creates and
the lack of a "real" helper with good upload speed, it seems that it
would always be beneficial to run a helper -- even for asymmetrical
connections. Am I missing something here?
On 3/1/2011 8:45 AM, Jody Harris wrote:
> Steve,
> Did you find this page:
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/trunk/docs/helper.rst
> <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/trunk/docs/helper.rst>Let
> me know if you can't find your way through that doc.
> Let's make sure and write our own document on that if that one is of
> poor quality.
> j
> ----
> - Think carefully.
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Steve Dodson <steve.dodson at gmail.com
> <mailto:steve.dodson at gmail.com>> wrote:
> It is my understanding that, without a helper, you are uploading
> multiple copies of each file. Which leads to my next question; has
> anyone successfully configured a helper, and if so, what guide did
> you use? Tahoe documentation is a bit lacking IMHO...
> On 03/01/2011 06:49 AM, Earney, Billy C. wrote:
> Yesterday I was off work, and I decided I’d place a few GB of
> files on
> our grid. This seems to be taking quite a bit of time (over 24
> hours for
> ~10GB). I’m thinking the bottleneck could be my upload
> bandwidth, since
> the cpu is mainly idling. If my memory serves my upload speed
> should be
> around 1Mbps.
> Any suggestions from veterans on how to debug this, or maybe how to
> increase upload throughput?
> Billy Earney
> earney at umsystem.edu <mailto:earney at umsystem.edu>
> <mailto:earney at umsystem.edu <mailto:earney at umsystem.edu>>
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