[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 10:40:03 PST 2011

Yes, rhp997 is my server.  It was rebooted several times today (kernel 
updates plus software purges) - when were you testing response times? 
Today was also Ubuntu Update day - so we've been sucking down quite a 
few (GBs?) files to get the office updated.

Also, how should I "look into this"? (remember, my networking IQ is 
low).  The server is behind a bonded T1 - so it *should* be seeing 3MB 
up/down depending on the current phone / network traffic.

On 03/02/2011 09:21 AM, Billy Earney wrote:
>  From looking at the stats on the recent upload/download page (actually the Mutable file servermap update status page), it looks like rhp997 has a very slow response time (>  1min), while the other servers are less than a few seconds.   Steve, I believe rhp997 is your server,  could you look into this?
> Or is there a possibility I'm misunderstanding the stats?
> I've updated my tahoe.cfg file to enable helper, so the next time I restart the tahoe instance a server should be available.  Will let you know of the furl at that time.
> Thanks!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org [mailto:volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org] On Behalf Of Zooko O'Whielacronx
> Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:28 AM
> To: a small group of people sharing storage resources with Tahoe-LAFS
> Subject: Re: [volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 6:57 AM, Billy Earney<billy.earney at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I want to thank you for the help last night on IRC,  I had to go, so I
>> couldn't wait for you to return..  Looking at the stats from the recent
>> upload and download operations, it looks like the encoding is doing about
>> 10MBps (which is very good), but the uploading portion is only doing around
>> 30Kbps, so it looks like the upload is the bottleneck.  My upload speed is
>> near (1Mbps), I checked this on speedtest.net, and it seems to be accurate.
>> I don't expect to get 1Mbps upload speed with tahoe-lafs since it has some
>> extra overhead, but I would expect at least 200KBps or so.
> Cool! I think those stats should show you details about which servers
> you were uploading to and how each one performed. I suspect that there
> is one server which is accepting data very slowly.
> The uploader uploads to the servers in parallel, so it proceeds at
> exactly the speed of the slowest server.
> Regards,
> Zooko
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soli Deo gloria
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