[volunteergrid2-l] how can i join the volgrid2

Billy Earney billy.earney at gmail.com
Tue May 31 06:06:58 PDT 2011


Welcome!   If you are okay with the policy, etc on the bigpig wiki, then
there shouldn't be any problems with you joining the grid..

We would like to have about 20 members, and at this point we have only about
8, so there is plenty of room for more members.

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:40 AM, <sabotrax at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi all,
> i'd like to join the volunteer grid 2. i'm using tahoe lafs for a few
> months now and i'd like to give something back.
> i've read the bigpig wiki (the policy, philosophy, constitution) and
> i'm ok with it. my uplink is a very stable async cable line (60/4
> mbit/s).
> greetings and i hope i, that i can join the grid,
> marcus
> --
> Give us this day our garlic bread and lead us not into vegetarianism
> but deliver us some pizza.
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