[volunteergrid2-l] Minimum node size change and change grace period duration results

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Thu Nov 24 02:55:19 UTC 2011

I suppose we could acclaim a "benevolent dictator," and let that person
make decisions unilaterally in the best interest of the group. We could set
up limits so that one person doesn't get saddled with the responsibility
for "life," limit the term to not successive (to enforce some down time),
and vote them out with a no-confidence vote if we don't like the direction
of the decisions.....

The nice thing about dictators is that they are efficient.


PS -- I'm serious. Give it some thought.
Ph. 575-208-4567
- Think carefully.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:33 PM, slush <slush at centrum.cz> wrote:

> Hi Shawn,
> I expressed my opinion once in email conversation and once in first round
> of the poll. Then I stopped following dicsussion, expecting that those
> later emails are only poll results and some following comments. Sorry that
> I break your effort by my own passivity.
> And yes, I think there should be some chairperson doing important decision
> in more flexible way. And yes, you're my candidate. Short summary of my
> attitude: do whatever you think it's good for the grid, I'll follow those
> new rules. If new rules will go completely against my own interest, I'll
> leave the grid and build another one :-).
> Best,
> slush
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>> I think we're going to have to figure out some kind of Robert's Rules of
>> Order for an email list. That, of course, will mean having a
>> chairperson.... which means an election of some kind.
>> I nominate Shawn Wilden to be our acting Chairperson and move that we
>> accept him by acclimation.
>> The biggest problem we're going to have is that everyone joined the grid
>> to have a practical tool, none of us joined to enter into a governing body.
>> Unfortunately, we're going to have to have one and we're going to have to
>> be one.
>> "A group is it's own worst enemy." Clay Shirky (
>> http://www.shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html)
>> ----
>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>> - Think carefully.
>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:
>>> I closed both polls because the end date had passed, but only six people
>>> had voted in each.
>>> Both polls failed to achieve the required 75% majority, in fact both of
>>> them were 3/3 on Yes/No.
>>> Conclusion:  We have not agreed to change the minimum node size, and we
>>> have not agreed on a minimum grace period.
>>> The first means that we're sticking with the 500 GB min 1 TB max limits
>>> we currently have.  I'll probably bring this up again in a few months.
>>> The second means that we have no default grace period.  We'll either
>>> need to try again to specify one, or else specify one for each policy
>>> change we make.  We also haven't determined if "no grace period" means
>>> "changes must be made immediately" or "changes need never be made".
>>> --
>>> Shawn Willden | Software Engineer |  swillden at google.com | Google
>>> Payments
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