[volunteergrid2-l] volunteergrid2-l subscription notification
Shawn Willden
shawn at willden.org
Mon Oct 10 11:22:53 PDT 2011
Glad to meet you, Tyler, and glad to hear you're exploring Tahoe LAFS. I
think it's a great tool and an even greater concept.
I do want to caution, though, that we view our grid as one intended for real
use. That doesn't mean you can't experiment, but we do ask that you make a
commitment to keep your storage node(s) available and reliable for a
significant period of time -- one measured in years, not weeks or months.
This is something we haven't explicitly called out in our policies (though
we probably should) but it's implied by our other stability/reliability
So, we'd love to have you come join our grid, and to experiment with it, but
please only if you intend to stick around and continue being a contributor
and participant. If that's not your goal, you can certainly hang out and
chat, but another grid might be better for your experimentation.
In case you haven't taken a look at the wiki yet (please do!), our primary
requirements are:
1. 95% (ish) availability.
2. A minimum of 500 GB of storage provided to the grid.
3. Use no more than you contribute (taking into account expansion, please).
4. Use no more than 1 TB, even if you contribute more.
Make sense?
Again, great to have you. I love how our grid is growing.
2011/10/10 Tyler Gillies <tjgillies at gmail.com>
> Hash: SHA1
> Shawn Willden wrote, On 10/10/11 8:07 AM:
> > Welcome, Tyler! Why don't you introduce yourself, and tell us what
> > you'd like to get from and give to our grid and group?
> Hello, I am a cypherpunk from Portland Oregon (born and raised) who is
> totally into f2f and p2p in general. Also I really dig distributed
> systems. I am a huge fan of CouchDB and this seems like couchdb done
> right. I want to deploy a public use grid to my local community and
> figured the volunteer grid would be a good place to learn some stuff
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