[volunteergrid2-l] Grid problem: uploads failing

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Thu Oct 20 09:52:00 PDT 2011

So... this is interesting.

I changed the params to 6/11/11 and was able to upload.

Then it occurred to me that if I set shares.total to 14 I could see exactly
which servers were accepting shares and, theoretically, identify the three
which are not.  So, I set my params to 6/11/14... and what I found was that
*all 14 nodes are accepting shares*.  Which is good, but raises the question
of why I was getting happiness failures when trying to upload to 12.

Then -- and here's the really bizarre part -- I changed my settings to
7/12/14.  So I'm requiring 12 shares to be happy, but trying to push 14.
 And all of my uploads are succeeding!  In fact, I'm getting all 14 shares
for all of them.

I'm going to ask about this on tahoe-dev, but my theory is that it may be a
bad idea to set shares.happy == shares.total.  I suspect that tahoe sends
out shares.total requests and is happy if shares.happy or more servers
respond within some timeout.  This means that if shares.total ==
shares.happy, and one of the servers (for whatever reason) is a little slow
to respond, the upload fails.

Anyway, 7/12/14 is working fine for me.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Marco Tedaldi <marco.tedaldi at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 20.10.2011 17:11, Shawn Willden wrote:
> > Occasional errors due to slow-responding servers I could understand.  But
> > since yesterday afternoon I cannot upload anything with shares.happy=12.
>  I
> > have a little shell script that attempts to run my backup every 60
> seconds
> > (until success) and logs failures, and it hasn't been able to upload a
> > single file since about 4 PM MST yesterday.
> >
> Funny thing. I'm uploading my images just fine the whole day. Have stops
> with shares happy=12 every few hours, that's true. But I can upload most
> of the time.
> And this despite my quite limited upload bandwith (500kbit/s)
> best
> Marco
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