[volunteergrid2-l] VG2 Storage Questionnaire

shawn at willden.org shawn at willden.org
Thu Sep 1 04:20:26 PDT 2011

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out  

VG2 Storage Questionnaire

Please fill out the following. I'll put the numbers together and post an  
overall grid storage status on the mailing list.

Storage Server Name * Enter the name of your storage node

Storage Server Status

To get the answers for these questions, go to the web UI of your node  
(usually http://hostname:3456) and click the "Storage Server" link at the  
bottom of the box in the upper-right hand corner of the page.

What is the total disk space of your node? *

How much disk space is used? *

How much space is reserved? *

How much space is available to Tahoe? This is actually total - used -  
reserved, so it's really redundant, but it makes it easier for me.

Space Consumed

This section allows you to describe your VG2 usage.

What do you use VG2 for? Please provide a general description of your usage  
and goals.

What is your shares.needed value from tahoe.cfg? *

What is your shares.happy value from tahoe.cfg? *

What is your shares.total value from tahoe.cfg? *

How much data have you stored? * You can use "tahoe stats" on each or your  
root dirnodes to get an exact value.

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