[volunteergrid2-l] New Members

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Wed Apr 4 14:10:04 UTC 2012

Here's a list of the recently-joined list members (in no particular order)
who are applying to join the grid, and my proposal for each of them.  If I
missed anyone, please speak up!  For current grid members, let me know if
you disagree with my proposals, otherwise, I'm going to act on them :-)

   - Benjamin (masterme120 at gmail.com):  Benjamin would like to join the
   grid and has committed to maintaining high uptime and providing 1 TB of
   disk, but has limited upstream bandwidth.  I propose to admit him, with the
   reservation that if his bandwidth turns out to be problematic we may have
   to ask him to leave again.
   - Eugen Leitl (eugen at leitl.org):  Eugen would like to join the grid and
   has offered two nodes, both ~1TB, one in a data center and on a very fast
   network connection and the other on his (decent) home connection.  He has
   also committed to maintaining high uptime.  I propose to admit him.
   - Leon Baum (leonbaum2 at gmail.com):  Leon would like to join the grid and
   can manage the uptime requirement but isn't presently able to provide more
   than 320 GB.  I propose to decline him -- but with encouragement to come
   back when he can provide 500+ GB.
   - Samuel Willcocks (samuel2 at willcockses.com):  Samuel has joined the
   mailing list but not introduced himself or expressed his goals or intent.
   - Michael J. O'Donnell (michael_odonnel at acm.org):  Michael so far would
   just like to lurk and better understand the grid.
   - Aaron Drew (aarond10 at gmail.com):  Aaron hasn't really introduced
   himself on this mailing list, but did on tahoe-dev.  He can contribute 500
   GB and is willing to meet the uptime requirements.  I propose to admit him,
   with the same caveat as Benjamin.
   - Eric Anapolsky (erpo41 at gmail.com):  Eric would like to join the grid
   and will offer a node with 800 GB of RAID6 storage on a reasonable network
   connection.  I propose to admit him.

Comments?  I should also remind everyone that we reserve the right to
exclude from the grid anyone whose node causes problems of any sort (though
we'll try to troubleshoot and fix them, first -- we want nodes!).

Also, for all of the newcomers, please keep in mind that in joining the
grid you also commit to use it "fairly", meaning that you don't consume any
more storage than you provide, and that uploading 1GB of data typically
consumes significantly more than 1GB of storage.  You need to figure out
the expansion factor based on your node parameters and take it into account.

On the plus side, as we get more nodes, it becomes feasible to set encoding
parameters with a smaller expansion factor while still maintaining high
reliability.  If you're interested in the math, see my Tahoe loss modeling
paper (incomplete, but still useful) at http://goo.gl/YBStU.  When we get
the new nodes added and see where we're at, I'll suggest some good settings.

Oh, and welcome!

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