[volunteergrid2-l] Don't forget add-lease

sabotrax at gmail.com sabotrax at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 07:04:16 UTC 2012

it seems to me that it's a kind of default that's printed on the status site?
My configuration should be correct:
expire.mode = age
expire.override_lease_duration = 365day
but the message is the same as yours.


2012/2/6 Marco Tedaldi <marco.tedaldi at gmail.com>:
> Hello Everyone
> I don't know what your habits are. I'ver just been wondering when I took
> a look at the crawler output. And it told me:
> (cited from my head) "120GB of 153GB of the shares would be ereased if
> you used the standard expire time of 31 days".
> I know, we have set an expire time of 1 year. So at what intervals do
> you update the lease time with the cleanup? Since it does not take a lot
> of time I'm running it weekly.
> So do we really have that much garbage stored that no one is interested
> in anymore? Do people just forget to add-lease? Or am I just seeing ghosts?
> best regards
> Marco
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