[volunteergrid2-l] Backing up Files

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Tue Feb 7 21:11:06 UTC 2012

For relatively small amounts of data, tahoe backup works fine.  If you have
more than can reasonably be uploaded in a few days, you can still use tahoe
backup, but it's trickier.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Brad Rupp <bradrupp at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am curious how everyone is backing up their data to the grid.  I assume
> most people are using tahoe backup, but I'm wondering if there are other
> solutions that have been hacked together.
> As for me, I'm just getting started on this.  My server going up in smoke
> last month has caused a sense of urgency regarding backups.  Of course,
> that is why I am still working on this a month later... :)
> My preferred backup method would be to push a weekly snapshot to the grid.
>  I can live with losing a weeks worth of data and I don't need versioned
> backups.  Basically the last weekly snapshot is all that I need.  Now to
> make it happen...
> Regards,
> Brad
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