[volunteergrid2-l] Foot-dragging

Dmitriy Kazimirov dmitriy.kazimirov at viorsan.com
Fri Feb 24 18:50:44 UTC 2012

At least once I read about following story:
- I2P, CP eepsite
- I2P router as additional task on dedicated server in DC
- some ...person of intellectual majority opens his I2P client, enters eepsite's address. And logs to which addresses direct connections were made.(Yes, it's stupid. so that?)
- ISP which host said dedicated server got abuse message, noting all of this. And ISP says they no longer want said server here.
this could easily happen with VG2. 
Formal policy is good idea in my opinion

p.s. I thought membership even for list was manually aproved.
25.02.2012, в 1:42, Shawn Willden написал(а):

> So, if I'm understanding your concern, you're fearful that you might be held responsible if one of the other users of the VG2 grid were to store illegal materials in the grid and, therefore, on your computer?
> I don't think that's a realistic concern, but you have to make the decision for yourself.
> I think there may be one inaccuracy in your thinking which I can point out:  ISPs are not considered common carriers.  In fact they've fought hard to avoid that classification, because it brings regulation along with protection from responsibility.
> Since Comcast et al are not held responsible for, say, the kiddie porn that flows over their networks, I don't think you have to have worry.  Particularly since it is provable (in the legal sense and almost in the mathematical sense) that you can have no knowledge of the content others store on your machine, I can't see how any court could attempt to hold you responsible.  ISPs actually have the ability to see much of what they transport.  You don't.
> Further, there's a good argument to be made that what you store isn't even "information".  It is encrypted data and you don't have the key.  Assuming the data is not decryptable without the key, it can be argued that key + data == information, but key without data is simply noise.  Strengthening this argument is the fact that you don't even hold all of the parts needed to assemble the encrypted file.  Without the shares that have been distributed to other machines, you don't even have enough information to be able to reconstruct the encrypted file... which you couldn't decrypt anyway.
> None of that would be a strong defense if the court could argue that you should have known that you were storing illicit information.  But the purpose of this grid isn't to skirt laws restricting kiddie porn, the purpose of this grid is provide highly-reliable off-site backups of normal data.  I can certainly assure you that none of the data I store in the grid is illegal.
> Perhaps one thing we could do is to state as a formal policy of the grid that it is not to be used for storing any data which the owner knows, or should know, is illegal in his or her jurisdiction.
> Oh, and as for GMail... if you're concerned about e-mail snooping for this mailing list, the list archives are a bigger concern.  The government wouldn't even need a warrant:  They could just sign up for membership and have access to the full text of everything anyone has posted here.  In general, any expectations of secrecy on unencrypted e-mail are foolish, but our conversations here are effectively conducted in public.
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Ted Rolle Jr. <stercor at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been dragging my feet implementing Tahoe-LAFS.
> As one who lived through the McCarthy era, and the expanded powers that the government has to view and track private citizens, I don't want to be prosecuted by the government.  I don't have the resources to be in this fight.
> And I don't believe for one minute that it's directed toward te..or..ts.
> GMail routinely reads mail for 'targeted advertising'.  I can think of other reasons, too.
> Where does this lead?  I don't know.
> Perhaps someone here can put my concerns to rest.
> The gov decides who is and is not a 'common carrier' --- i.e. not responsible for the traffic the network carries.
> And in today's climate, people are guilty until proven innocent.
> Ted
> -- 
> GPG/PGP public key: B07F9AAE
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> Shawn
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