[volunteergrid2-l] How's the grid

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Sat Mar 3 19:04:53 UTC 2012

And now it is.  Something is strange...

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:

> timesoak is not responding again.
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:
>> So, I'm doing some experimentation on this this morning, because I'm
>> seeing the same behavior.
>> Specifically, there is one node that appears to hang forever (or for a
>> long time; there's probably a timeout which I haven't out-waited) whenever
>> my node tries to send any requests to it.  Ted, it's your node :-)
>> What I'm doing to diagnose it is connecting to my node's web UI and
>> clicking on the "recent uploads and downloads" link (upper right corner).
>>  There I can see operations in progress and I can see their status.
>>  What I see is that whenever I get a failure, it's because node ej3fwcec is
>> not responding.  By looking on the home page, with the list of nodes, I can
>> see that this non-responsive node is stercor at gmail.com-timesoak.
>> I'm not sure what could be causing your node to be non-responsive.  I
>> suggest posting on tahoe-dev to get their help in diagnosing it.
>> Hmm.  I was just about to ask you to take it off-line until you figured
>> it out... but timesoak just started responding to me.  The several uploads
>> that were waiting for responses from it just completed, and now it seems to
>> be working well and responding fast.  Here are the response times for a
>> just-completed dirnode creations:
>>    - [aty4re3a]: 252ms
>>    - [baeq4skx]: 165ms
>>    - [ej3fwcec]: 123ms
>>    - [gbytbnxw]: 161ms
>>    - [g4xvpwqa]: 171ms
>>    - [hpd3hn75]: 225ms
>>    - [huadamis]: 274ms
>>    - [inxoy6ui]: 429ms
>>    - [jbrse33y]: 177ms
>>    - [kvj2xrmm]: 330ms
>>    - [pmitrhwg]: 44ms
>>    - [qivwuhf6]: 150ms
>>    - [yylsfc2k]: 379ms
>> pmi, at 44ms is the fastest, which isn't unexpected because it's my node
>> so there's no network latency.  Ted's, at 123ms is also quite fast.  inx
>> and yyl are in the Ukraine or similar, I believe, so their longer latency
>> isn't surprising.
>> I don't know what was happening at first, though.  It was very
>> consistently your node that was the delay, though.  Hmm.
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:
>>> What are your shares.needed, shares.happy and shares.total values?
>>> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Ted Rolle, Jr. <stercor at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>  Command-line:
>>>> ted at timesoak:~/allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1/bin$
>>>> ted at timesoak:~/allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1/bin$ ./tahoe mkdir stercor
>>>> error: No alias specified, and the default 'tahoe' alias doesn't exist.
>>>> To create it, use 'tahoe create-alias tahoe'.
>>>> ted at timesoak:~/allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1/bin
>>>> $ ted at timesoak:~/allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1/bin$ ./tahoe create-alias tahoe
>>>> \lf from tahoe.
>>>> ZZZzzzzzz....
>>>> Ted
>>>> On 03/01/2012 09:08 PM, Shawn Willden wrote:
>>>> > Sorry, I wasn't clear with my question. I got the non-responsive
>>>> part, I was asking what you meant by "Tahoe". Are you using the command
>>>> line, the Web UI, the Web API, a FUSE module. etc.? What operation are you
>>>> attempting when it stops working?
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Ted Rolle, Jr. <stercor at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:stercor at gmail.com> <stercor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> "Go to sleep" old geek for "non-responsive."  Tahoe-LAFS may indeed be
>>>> doing work, but there's no indication that anything is happening.
>>>> I'll try again, and activate WireShark to view packet activity.
>>>> Ted
>>>> Can we change the return address from 'a small group of people sharing
>>>> storage resources with Tahoe-LAFS' to VG2?
>>>> On 03/01/2012 02:12 PM, Shawn Willden wrote:
>>>> > Everything seems fine to me. What do you mean by "Tahoe seems to go
>>>> to sleep"?
>>>> > On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Ted Rolle, Jr. <stercor at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:stercor at gmail.com> <stercor at gmail.com>
>>>> <mailto:stercor at gmail.com> <stercor at gmail.com>
>>>> <mailto:stercor at gmail.com> <stercor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> > Tahoe seems to go to sleep when I access it.
>>>> > It wasn't this way when I first came into the grid.
>>>> > Is everything OK?
>>>> > Ted
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>>>> > Shawn
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>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Shawn
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>> --
>>> Shawn
>> --
>> Shawn
> --
> Shawn

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