[volunteergrid2-l] Check, if all files have been backupped

Christoph Langguth christoph at rosenkeller.org
Thu Mar 8 17:01:46 UTC 2012

Am 08.03.2012 17:32, schrieb Marco Tedaldi:
> Hello everyone
> I've just backed up my images to the volunteer grid. But I have the
> feeling, that some folder have not been backed up. I'm using tahoe backup.
> I've organized the images by date in directories.
> The structure is:
> image_folder/YYYY/YYYYMMDD_name/
> I think, that I did not backup whole years. What is the easiest way to
> check that?
I quickly wrote a little script to recursively list the content of a 
particular tahoe alias. This will obviously only tell you which files 
are there, without verifying if they actually contain what they should.
Maybe it's helpful.

use strict;
use warnings;


my $TAHOE = "tahoe";

die "Usage: tahoe-find.pl <alias>" unless $#ARGV == 0;
my $ALIAS = $ARGV[0];
$ALIAS =~ s/:$//;


sub findRecursive {
	my ($dir) = @_;
	open LS, "$TAHOE ls -F $ALIAS:$dir|" or die $!;
	my @ls = <LS>;
	close LS;
	foreach my $f (@ls) {
		chomp $f;
		$f =~ s/\*$//;
		print $dir."$f\n";
		if ($f =~ /\/$/) {

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