[volunteergrid2-l] stats gatherer

Christoph Langguth christoph at rosenkeller.org
Thu Mar 8 20:32:30 UTC 2012

Am 08.03.2012 21:17, schrieb Ted Rolle, Jr.:
> Hmm...the "Tahoe Storage Server Space Allocated" shows zero for my node,
> timesoak.

Yeah, I'm also trying to understand what the individual statistics 
actually mean.

It seems like the "storage allocated" is not what we would expect it to 
be, but maybe something like "memory consumption" or so. They are 
totally unrealistic for other nodes as well.

This is why I initially stated something like "let's run the stats for 
some time, and then I'll check again". I need a few numbers to see what 
is useful and what is not. I also think that I mostly understood how the 
reporting is working, so I might come up with other statistics in the 
future. However, as said, this will require a bit of time -- simply 
because the stats have to be gathered in the first place.


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