[volunteergrid2-l] Introductions

Mike Lenzen lenzenmi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 02:41:37 UTC 2012

Hello, my name is Mike Lenzen, and I'm from the flat-lands of Canada.

I've been running a personal backup server at home for the past 10
years.  It currently has a little over 500gb of free space that I won't
be using.  Unless...

Most recently, I started setting up a small friendnet with some of my
pals.  I'm not totally convinced that it's going to work out, based on
commitment levels from participants thus far.  Another month should tell
the tail.

I also wanted to connect with you guys to ask questions, and brows
through your mailing list archives to get a heads up on what problems I
may have.

Finally, if your grid is not full, and things don't work out for me in
the next month, I'd like to move my server onto your grid... if you'll
have me.

Mike Lenzen
Please visit my travel blog
PGP public key public_key_mike.asc
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