[volunteergrid2-l] Slashdot post

Ted Rolle, Jr. stercor at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 17:32:54 UTC 2012

First, we need to give and expect the same level of honor and integrity
as the CIA and NSA.

Dirty pool, but how about going on their Facebook pages.  If they don't
have a Facebook page, that's an automatic acceptance.  They already know
about security.

Dweeb check:  everyone reads the application.  Majority vote grants
access.  If this proves to be impractical, assume innocence before
guilt.  Same with the Facebook check.

Innocence before guilt?  How foreign is this concept in today's society.

We need to be as helpful as we can to get these new nodes up and
running.  Lots of hand-holding.  Granting access to this mailing list
but no introducer furl.  Give good settings for needed, happy, an total
based on the current nodes on VG2.  These numbers may be a moving
target, especially as we gain new nodes.


On 03/31/2012 12:15 PM, Shawn Willden wrote:
> There's a slashdot article this morning about backup tools and
> techniques.  I posted about VG2.  My post was an early response to the
> article, and I expect it will get modded up to a 5 and be fairly near
> the top of the comments, so a lot of people will probably read it.
> Assuming we're about to get a flood of list member applications,
> asking to become grid member applications, we should probably decide
> how we're going to handle it.
> IMO, our "policy" limit of 20 nodes (originally suggested by Zooko) is
> too low.  In terms of the technology, there's no reason our grid
> couldn't grow to 100 nodes or larger.  The limit is the social
> aspect... at present, maintaining a well-functioning grid requires
> that the members of the grid exercise some honor and integrity,
> abiding by their commitments to keep their nodes up and running, and
> to consume grid storage fairly.  So far, that hasn't been a problem as
> far as I can tell, and I don't see any reason why we can't go beyond
> 20 members... but I do think we'll need to vet them pretty carefully.
> To date, we haven't done much.  We've just asked people to make an
> e-mail commitment to abide by the policies and called it good.  But
> we've also had members join in ones and twos, and I wouldn't be
> surprised if the slashdot post gets us 10 or more new people wishing
> to join.  Perhaps even more than that.
> So, before we allow these people to join, any suggestions as to how we
> can check up on them?
> -- 
> Shawn
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