[volunteergrid2-l] Introducer retired at 16:31 MDT

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Tue Apr 2 19:46:55 UTC 2013

My current strategy is just to rsync my important files to multiple
machines. My home server, my laptop, my wife's laptop and my desktop
machine at work. The server actually uses rdiff-backup so it preserves a
history of changes, though the other locations only have the current
versions... though few of the files in question actually change much. The
one that does change frequently (my encrypted personal financial data) is
also synced to Google Drive.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Marco Tedaldi <marco.tedaldi at gmail.com>wrote:

> It's a somewhat sad moment.
> But thank you for running the introducer and all the effort put into the
> project! But it seems the only sensible thing to do... sometimes it's best
> to be honest and admit that somehow a project failed. Time to put time and
> energy into more promising stuff (which might well be another project of
> the same kind)..
> So a question to everyone: what are you doing now?
> best regards
> Marco
> On 02.04.2013 00:32, Jody Harris wrote:
>> The Volunteer Grid 2 introducer went offline at 16:31 MST today.
>> jody
>> ----
>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>> - Think carefully.
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