Opened 16 years ago

#6 new defect

make "python ./ --version" and "python ./ --fullname" work

Reported by: zooko Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: component1 Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


<warner> hm, question about darcsver
<warner> if I have a tree that has no _darcs directory but does have an
	 updated src/allmydata/ file				[17:12]
<warner> should " --version" work?
<warner> I'm getting 0.0.0
<zooko> That's not right.
<zooko> --version ?						[17:13]
<zooko> You mean ./ darcsver ?
<warner> (this is in a git tree, in which I've copied the from a
	 freshly ' build'-ed darcs tree)
* zooko thinks.
<zooko> Do you have darcsver installed?
<warner> no, I'm using " --version" to ask it what the tahoe version
	 is, so I can guess the name of the tarball created by a subsequent
	 " sdist"
<zooko> --version ?
<zooko> I've never heard of that.
<zooko> You could try "python ./ darcsver --loud" ...		[17:14]
<warner> I'm expecting " darcsver" (via 'make make-version') to
	 populate something which --version can see later
<zooko> I've gotta go.
<warner> ok, see ya
<zooko> warner: um,
<warner> I'll keep playing with this
<zooko> sorry,
<zooko> the way it currently works..
<zooko> Let's see.
<warner> I'm also using ' --package' to find out what the package name
<warner> btw, I only noticed these options a few minutes ago		[17:15]
<warner> they may not have ever worked
<warner> but they'd be awfully handy for what I'm trying to write right now
<zooko> Well, they definitely don't work now.
<warner> Information display options (just display information, ignore any
<warner>   --help-commands     list all available commands
<warner>   --name              print package name
<warner>   --version (-V)      print package version
<zooko> The way I had been doing it was to use "python ./ darcsver
	--count-all-patches" to generate the version
<warner>   --fullname          print <package name>-<version>
<zooko> and
<zooko> something to do with ./src/allmydata/ for the app name.
<warner> ah, maybe I have to copy too
<homey1337> zooko: afaict my buildbot is on ...
<warner> I remember having to do two things to make any given git tree work
	 right, but I couldn't remember the other one

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