Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#13 [EC]DSA "semi-private"/intermediate keys new enhancement major
#18 AES-CTR: easy way to modify the counter for random-access decryption new enhancement 0.7.0 major
#29 add public-key encryption support new enhancement major
#35 Python 3 support new defect major
#38 Debian Package has no field Python-Version new arthur defect major
#41 python hmac new xue yu enhancement major
#42 python hkdf assigned zooko enhancement 0.7.0 major
#46 Add combined AES+XSalsa20 cipher module new from_pycon enhancement 0.7.0 major
#63 For build guess in --disable-embedded-cryptopp use python*-config as a guide new midnightmagic defect major
#64 prevent with-embedded-cryptopp builds from using object files from without-embedded-cryptopp builds or vice versa new defect major
#68 Can't install dbg and normal version at the same time new defect major
#71 curve25519 wrapper new zooko enhancement major
#73 better detection and diagnostics about wrong-code-generation compile errors new defect major
#74 run tests automatically when building packages new PenguinOfDoom enhancement major
#87 consider removing requirement of setuptools in pycryptopp's new enhancement major
#88 change the name new enhancement major
#89 see if we should copy in any of the Crypto++ patches from the 5.6.2 cycle new sneves enhancement major
#90 upgrade versioneer new defect major
#91 support BLAKE2 new dawuud enhancement major
#92 python-level time padding new defect major
#94 add ChaCha new dawuud enhancement major
#95 make versioneer work on Windows new chiiph defect major
#103 undefined symbol: _ZNSs4_Rep20_S_empty_rep_storageE new warner defect major
#106 Build and distribute binary wheels for Linux new enhancement major
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