Custom Query (18 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Version
#100 upgrade python bindings to use a recent stable version of cryptopp new dawuud blocker 0.5.29
#13 [EC]DSA "semi-private"/intermediate keys new major 0.5.1
#18 AES-CTR: easy way to modify the counter for random-access decryption new major 0.7.0 0.5.1
#29 add public-key encryption support new major 0.5.1
#41 python hmac new xue yu major 0.5.19
#42 python hkdf assigned zooko major 0.7.0 0.5.19
#46 Add combined AES+XSalsa20 cipher module new from_pycon major 0.7.0 0.5.19
#71 curve25519 wrapper new zooko major 0.5.19
#74 run tests automatically when building packages new PenguinOfDoom major 0.5.19
#87 consider removing requirement of setuptools in pycryptopp's new major 0.5.29
#88 change the name new major 0.5.29
#89 see if we should copy in any of the Crypto++ patches from the 5.6.2 cycle new sneves major 0.5.29
#91 support BLAKE2 new dawuud major 0.5.29
#94 add ChaCha new dawuud major 0.5.29
#106 Build and distribute binary wheels for Linux new major
#4 pycryptopp uses up too much memory at runtime new warner minor 0.5.1
#12 automatic wrappers for all of Crypto++ new minor 0.5.1
#16 h.update();h.digest();h.update();h.digest() new minor 0.5.1
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