Custom Query (72 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 72)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#53 invalid storage status page does not show nickname/id gdt

I forward ports to my various remote storage servers. The main page shows the nickname, but the storage page, which I watch to see how full the disk is, does not.

#54 invalid Installation does not default to expiring shares gdt

This causes new servers to fill up and then be no longer useful. There should either be a cogent case for not having expiration on by default as part of a long-term strategy, or it should be turned on by default.

#55 invalid node status page does not indicate per server if it is taking shares gdt

A very important indicator of the health of a server in a grid is whether it will take new shares. A client node has enough information (or could record it) to know this. It should show somehow if a node is not taking shares (either if it says it won't or if it actually doesn't). The lack of this feature makes it almost impossible to assess if files can be uploaded without trying it.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.