Custom Query (72 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 72)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 fixed failure to compile with clang zooko

As reported in , pycryptopp doesn't compile with clang. There are patches in upstream Crypto++ which appear to be intended to make it compile with clang. We should probably adopt those. It would be good to have a clang buildslave first!

#52 invalid test-from-egg and test-from-prefixdir are sometimes not testing the right code davidsarah

There is currently nothing to ensure that the test-from-egg and test-from-prefixdir steps of pycryptopp builds aren't subject to the same bug as .

Fixing this probably just requires updating misc/build_helpers/ to reflect (which I believe is already generic enough to handle the pycryptopp build setup).

This would allow detecting failures like this one, rather than silently testing the wrong code. (I don't have specific evidence that the current pycryptopp builders are testing the wrong code, but we didn't know that the Tahoe-LAFS builders were until recently.)

#53 invalid storage status page does not show nickname/id gdt

I forward ports to my various remote storage servers. The main page shows the nickname, but the storage page, which I watch to see how full the disk is, does not.

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