Custom Query (72 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 72)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10 fixed automate the production of .deb's zooko zooko

The Tahoe project needs .deb's of pycryptopp. Script the creation of such .deb's, using buildbot and stdeb (with my dependency-detection patch).

#9 fixed link against existing (system) warner

The pycryptopp build process should make it possible to link against an existing instead of always compiling its own. Reasons to do this:

  • faster: Crypto++ takes about 15 minutes to compile on our edgy buildslave, and this happens on every Tahoe build
  • smaller memory footprint: if all the various python-to-C glue libraries (,, etc) use their own copy of, an application that uses them will wind up with multiple copies in RAM.
  • take advantage of newer versions: the system version may be more recent or faster than the one shipped with any given release of pycryptopp

Reasons to not do this:

  • vulnerable to bugs in the system version: the system version of Crypto++ might have bugs that were fixed in the version shipped with pycryptopp
  • static linking: if pycryptopp were to link statically against the pieces of Crypto++ that it needs, the resulting pycryptopp.egg might be transportable to a different machine. Note that currently it does *not* appear to do this: using 'ldd' on pycryptopp's shows dynamic links to .
#8 fixed benchmarks zooko
  • key generation (public key)
  • key serialization, deserialization (public key)
  • signature, verification (public key)
  • symmetric encryption
  • MAC
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