1 | ***Generating Command Line: |
2 | reset; echo Calls To get_stats: > listofcalltostatslatencies.txt; grep -PRieget_stats() ./* | grep -v _darcs | tee -a listofcalltostatslatencies.txt; echo Calls to get_latencies: >> listofcalltostatslatencies.txt; grep -PRieget_latencies() ./* | grep -v _darcs | tee -a listofcalltostatslatencies.txt |
3 | |
4 | ***Calls To get_stats: |
5 | ./src/allmydata/web/status.py: return self.helper.get_stats() |
6 | ./src/allmydata/web/status.py: stats = self.helper.get_stats() |
7 | ./src/allmydata/web/status.py: stats = self.provider.get_stats() |
8 | ./src/allmydata/web/status.py: return self.provider.get_stats() |
9 | ./src/allmydata/web/root.py: stats = ss.get_stats() |
10 | ./src/allmydata/web/root.py: stats = self.client.helper.get_stats() |
11 | ./src/allmydata/web/storage.py: d = {"stats": self.storage.get_stats(), |
12 | ./src/allmydata/web/storage.py: # to use get_stats()["storage_server.disk_total"] . However, |
13 | ./src/allmydata/web/storage.py: for k,v in self.storage.get_stats().items() ]) |
14 | ./src/allmydata/web/check_results.py: data["stats"] = res.get_stats() |
15 | ./src/allmydata/web/check_results.py: data["stats"] = res.get_stats() |
16 | ./src/allmydata/interfaces.py: def get_stats(): |
17 | ./src/allmydata/interfaces.py: def get_stats(): |
18 | ./src/allmydata/interfaces.py: def get_stats(): |
19 | ./src/allmydata/interfaces.py: def get_stats(): |
20 | ./src/allmydata/stats.py: stats.update(sp.get_stats()) |
21 | ./src/allmydata/stats.py: log.msg(format='get_stats() -> %(stats)s', stats=ret, level=log.NOISY) |
22 | ./src/allmydata/stats.py: return self.get_stats() |
23 | ./src/allmydata/stats.py: log.msg("StatsGatherer: error in get_stats(), peerid=%s" % tubid, |
24 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_client.py: stats = c.get_stats() |
25 | ./src/allmydata/test/common.py: counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
26 | ./src/allmydata/test/common.py: counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
27 | ./src/allmydata/test/common.py: counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
28 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_storage.py: stats = ss.get_stats() |
29 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_repairer.py: counters = ss.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
30 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_repairer.py: counters = ss.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
31 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_repairer.py: counters = ss.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters'] |
32 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_stats.py: s = m.get_stats() # before it has been started |
33 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_stats.py: s = m.get_stats() |
34 | ./src/allmydata/test/no_network.py: stats.update(sp.get_stats()) |
35 | |
36 | ***Calls to get_latencies: |
37 | ./src/allmydata/storage/server.py: for category,ld in self.get_latencies().items(): |
38 | ./src/allmydata/test/test_storage.py: output = ss.get_latencies() |