

2025-01-14: Yesterday

19:24 Ticket #4160 (Re-target testgrid.tahoe-lafs.org) created by meejah
Essentially just re-posting …
01:16 Ticket #4159 (Log a message when shutting down because STDIN is closed) created by hacklschorsch
#3921 introduced a new behavior for tahoe run where the process will …


20:40 Ticket #4158 (SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence) created by hacklschorsch
I see a lot of "SyntaxWarning?: invalid escape sequence" warnings about …


08:47 Ticket #4157 (Nix: building with pypy fails) created by hacklschorsch
Our Nix flake (based on nixpkgs 24.11) works with CPython (at least) …


12:59 OSPackages edited by hacklschorsch
Update Tahoe-LAFS version of package in Debian testing (diff)
12:53 Ticket #4156 (Delete Slack workspace) created by hacklschorsch
There's a Slack workspace at https://tahoe-lafs.slack.com/ . * It …
05:04 Changeset in trunk [f451755] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #1423 from a-detiste/master clean Python2 syntax


19:43 Changeset in trunk [66e1b5e] by Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste@…>
18:46 Ticket #4155 (parse_duration() doesn't understand seconds) created by meejah
User https://github.com/sgerodes on GitHub? reports: configuring …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.