1 | <?php |
2 | $page_title = "Allmydata - Deep Size"; |
3 | |
4 | require(".inc/includes.php"); |
5 | require(".inc/ui/dbconnection.php"); |
6 | |
7 | // get the batch_id for this run |
8 | $query = "select max(batch_id) from user_space_usage where true"; |
9 | $q_results = mysql_query($query); |
10 | if($q_results) { |
11 | $results = mysql_fetch_row($q_results); |
12 | $batch_id = $results[0]; |
13 | $batch_id = $batch_id + 1; |
14 | } else { |
15 | $batch_id = 0; |
16 | } |
17 | |
18 | // get list of accounts and then figure out amount of space used |
19 | $query = "select * from user where base_uri <> '' and active = 1 order by account_id desc"; |
20 | $q_results = mysql_query($query); |
21 | $i = 1; |
22 | while($results = mysql_fetch_array($q_results)) { |
23 | $base_uri = $results['base_uri']; |
24 | $account_id = $results['account_id']; |
25 | $email = $results['email']; |
26 | $ch = curl_init(); |
27 | $uri_url = "http://prodtahoe5.allmydata.com:8123/uri/"; |
28 | $full_url = $uri_url . urlencode($base_uri) . "?t=deep-stats"; |
29 | curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $full_url); |
30 | curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); |
31 | $stats_data_raw = curl_exec($ch); |
32 | $stats_data = json_decode($stats_data_raw); |
33 | $size = floatval($stats_data->{'size-immutable-files'})/(1000*1000); |
34 | $inner_query = "update user set used_quota=" . $size . " where account_id = ". $account_id; |
35 | $results = mysql_query($inner_query); |
36 | $inner_query = "insert into user_space_usage (account_id, batch_id, mb_used) values ({$account_id}, {$batch_id}, {$size})"; |
37 | echo $account_id . " " . $size . " " . $batch_id . "\n"; |
38 | $results = mysql_query($inner_query); |
39 | $i = $i + 1; |
40 | } |
41 | ?> |