Changeset 18891d9e in trunk
- Timestamp:
- 2021-12-02T21:44:59Z (3 years ago)
- Branches:
- master
- Children:
- 5bb6fbc
- Parents:
- 531fe30b (diff), e605be3 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Files:
- 16 added
- 23 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified docs/frontends/FTP-and-SFTP.rst ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 48 48 might grant a particular user), and second to decide what directory cap 49 49 should be used as the root directory for a log-in by the authenticated user. 50 A username and password can be used; as of Tahoe-LAFS v1.11, RSA or DSA51 public key authentication is also supported.50 As of Tahoe-LAFS v1.17, 51 RSA/DSA public key authentication is the only supported mechanism. 52 52 53 53 Tahoe-LAFS provides two mechanisms to perform this user-to-cap mapping. … … 60 60 To use the first form, create a file (for example ``BASEDIR/private/accounts``) 61 61 in which each non-comment/non-blank line is a space-separated line of 62 (USERNAME, PASSWORD, ROOTCAP), like so::62 (USERNAME, KEY-TYPE, PUBLIC-KEY, ROOTCAP), like so:: 63 63 64 64 % cat BASEDIR/private/accounts 65 # This is a password line: username password cap66 alice password URI:DIR2:ioej8xmzrwilg772gzj4fhdg7a:wtiizszzz2rgmczv4wl6bqvbv33ag4kvbr6prz3u6w3geixa6m6a67 bob sekrit URI:DIR2:6bdmeitystckbl9yqlw7g56f4e:serp5ioqxnh34mlbmzwvkp3odehsyrr7eytt5f64we3k9hhcrcja68 69 65 # This is a public key line: username keytype pubkey cap 70 66 # (Tahoe-LAFS v1.11 or later) 71 67 carol ssh-rsa AAAA... URI:DIR2:ovjy4yhylqlfoqg2vcze36dhde:4d4f47qko2xm5g7osgo2yyidi5m4muyo2vjjy53q4vjju2u55mfa 72 68 73 For public key authentication, the keytype may be either "ssh-rsa" or "ssh-dsa". 74 To avoid ambiguity between passwords and public key types, a password cannot 75 start with "ssh-". 69 The key type may be either "ssh-rsa" or "ssh-dsa". 76 70 77 71 Now add an ``accounts.file`` directive to your ``tahoe.cfg`` file, as described in -
TabularUnified integration/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 354 354 return nodes 355 355 356 @pytest.fixture(scope="session") 357 def alice_sftp_client_key_path(temp_dir): 358 # The client SSH key path is typically going to be somewhere else (~/.ssh, 359 # typically), but for convenience sake for testing we'll put it inside node. 360 return join(temp_dir, "alice", "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key") 356 361 357 362 @pytest.fixture(scope='session') 358 363 @log_call(action_type=u"integration:alice", include_args=[], include_result=False) 359 def alice(reactor, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, storage_nodes, request): 364 def alice( 365 reactor, 366 temp_dir, 367 introducer_furl, 368 flog_gatherer, 369 storage_nodes, 370 alice_sftp_client_key_path, 371 request, 372 ): 360 373 process = pytest_twisted.blockon( 361 374 _create_node( … … 388 401 generate_ssh_key(host_ssh_key_path) 389 402 390 # 3. Add a SFTP access file with username/password and SSH key auth. 391 392 # The client SSH key path is typically going to be somewhere else (~/.ssh, 393 # typically), but for convenience sake for testing we'll put it inside node. 394 client_ssh_key_path = join(process.node_dir, "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key") 395 generate_ssh_key(client_ssh_key_path) 403 # 3. Add a SFTP access file with an SSH key for auth. 404 generate_ssh_key(alice_sftp_client_key_path) 396 405 # Pub key format is "ssh-rsa <thekey> <username>". We want the key. 397 ssh_public_key = open( client_ssh_key_path + ".pub").read().strip().split()[1]406 ssh_public_key = open(alice_sftp_client_key_path + ".pub").read().strip().split()[1] 398 407 with open(accounts_path, "w") as f: 399 408 f.write("""\ 400 alice password {rwcap} 401 402 alice2 ssh-rsa {ssh_public_key} {rwcap} 409 alice-key ssh-rsa {ssh_public_key} {rwcap} 403 410 """.format(rwcap=rwcap, ssh_public_key=ssh_public_key)) 404 411 -
TabularUnified integration/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 20 20 from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 21 21 22 import os.path 22 23 from posixpath import join 23 24 from stat import S_ISDIR … … 34 35 35 36 36 def connect_sftp(connect_args ={"username": "alice", "password": "password"}):37 def connect_sftp(connect_args): 37 38 """Create an SFTP client.""" 38 39 client = SSHClient() … … 61 62 def test_bad_account_password_ssh_key(alice, tmpdir): 62 63 """ 63 Can't login with unknown username, wrongpassword, or wrong SSH pub key.64 Can't login with unknown username, any password, or wrong SSH pub key. 64 65 """ 65 # Wrongpassword, wrong username:66 for u, p in [("alice ", "wrong"), ("someuser", "password")]:66 # Any password, wrong username: 67 for u, p in [("alice-key", "wrong"), ("someuser", "password")]: 67 68 with pytest.raises(AuthenticationException): 68 69 connect_sftp(connect_args={ … … 70 71 }) 71 72 72 another_key = join(str(tmpdir), "ssh_key")73 another_key = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "ssh_key") 73 74 generate_ssh_key(another_key) 74 good_key = RSAKey(filename= join(alice.node_dir, "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key"))75 good_key = RSAKey(filename=os.path.join(alice.node_dir, "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key")) 75 76 bad_key = RSAKey(filename=another_key) 76 77 … … 78 79 with pytest.raises(AuthenticationException): 79 80 connect_sftp(connect_args={ 80 "username": "alice 2", "pkey": bad_key,81 "username": "alice-key", "pkey": bad_key, 81 82 }) 82 83 … … 87 88 }) 88 89 90 def sftp_client_key(node): 91 return RSAKey( 92 filename=os.path.join(node.node_dir, "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key"), 93 ) 94 95 def test_sftp_client_key_exists(alice, alice_sftp_client_key_path): 96 """ 97 Weakly validate the sftp client key fixture by asserting that *something* 98 exists at the supposed key path. 99 """ 100 assert os.path.exists(alice_sftp_client_key_path) 89 101 90 102 @run_in_thread 91 103 def test_ssh_key_auth(alice): 92 104 """It's possible to login authenticating with SSH public key.""" 93 key = RSAKey(filename=join(alice.node_dir, "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key"))105 key = sftp_client_key(alice) 94 106 sftp = connect_sftp(connect_args={ 95 "username": "alice 2", "pkey": key107 "username": "alice-key", "pkey": key 96 108 }) 97 109 assert sftp.listdir() == [] … … 101 113 def test_read_write_files(alice): 102 114 """It's possible to upload and download files.""" 103 sftp = connect_sftp() 115 sftp = connect_sftp(connect_args={ 116 "username": "alice-key", 117 "pkey": sftp_client_key(alice), 118 }) 104 119 with sftp.file("myfile", "wb") as f: 105 120 f.write(b"abc") … … 118 133 them. 119 134 """ 120 sftp = connect_sftp() 135 sftp = connect_sftp(connect_args={ 136 "username": "alice-key", 137 "pkey": sftp_client_key(alice), 138 }) 121 139 assert sftp.listdir() == [] 122 140 … … 149 167 def test_rename(alice): 150 168 """Directories and files can be renamed.""" 151 sftp = connect_sftp() 169 sftp = connect_sftp(connect_args={ 170 "username": "alice-key", 171 "pkey": sftp_client_key(alice), 172 }) 152 173 sftp.mkdir("dir") 153 174 -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/frontends/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 13 13 from zope.interface import implementer 14 14 from twisted.internet import defer 15 from twisted.cred import error,checkers, credentials15 from twisted.cred import checkers, credentials 16 16 from twisted.conch.ssh import keys 17 17 from twisted.conch.checkers import SSHPublicKeyChecker, InMemorySSHKeyDB … … 33 33 @implementer(checkers.ICredentialsChecker) 34 34 class AccountFileChecker(object): 35 credentialInterfaces = (credentials.IUsernamePassword, 36 credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword, 37 credentials.ISSHPrivateKey) 35 credentialInterfaces = (credentials.ISSHPrivateKey,) 36 38 37 def __init__(self, client, accountfile): 39 38 self.client = client 40 self.passwords = BytesKeyDict() 41 pubkeys = BytesKeyDict() 42 self.rootcaps = BytesKeyDict() 43 with open(abspath_expanduser_unicode(accountfile), "rb") as f: 44 for line in f: 45 line = line.strip() 46 if line.startswith(b"#") or not line: 47 continue 48 name, passwd, rest = line.split(None, 2) 49 if passwd.startswith(b"ssh-"): 50 bits = rest.split() 51 keystring = b" ".join([passwd] + bits[:-1]) 52 key = keys.Key.fromString(keystring) 53 rootcap = bits[-1] 54 pubkeys[name] = [key] 55 else: 56 self.passwords[name] = passwd 57 rootcap = rest 58 self.rootcaps[name] = rootcap 39 path = abspath_expanduser_unicode(accountfile) 40 with open_account_file(path) as f: 41 self.rootcaps, pubkeys = load_account_file(f) 59 42 self._pubkeychecker = SSHPublicKeyChecker(InMemorySSHKeyDB(pubkeys)) 60 43 61 44 def _avatarId(self, username): 62 45 return FTPAvatarID(username, self.rootcaps[username]) 63 64 def _cbPasswordMatch(self, matched, username):65 if matched:66 return self._avatarId(username)67 raise error.UnauthorizedLogin68 46 69 47 def requestAvatarId(self, creds): … … 72 50 d.addCallback(self._avatarId) 73 51 return d 74 elif credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword.providedBy(creds): 75 return self._checkPassword(creds) 76 elif credentials.IUsernamePassword.providedBy(creds): 77 return self._checkPassword(creds) 78 else: 79 raise NotImplementedError() 52 raise NotImplementedError() 80 53 81 def _checkPassword(self, creds): 82 """ 83 Determine whether the password in the given credentials matches the 84 password in the account file. 54 def open_account_file(path): 55 """ 56 Open and return the accounts file at the given path. 57 """ 58 return open(path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") 85 59 86 Returns a Deferred that fires with the username if the password matches 87 or with an UnauthorizedLogin failure otherwise. 88 """ 89 try: 90 correct = self.passwords[creds.username] 91 except KeyError: 92 return 60 def load_account_file(lines): 61 """ 62 Load credentials from an account file. 93 63 94 d = defer.maybeDeferred(creds.checkPassword, correct) 95 d.addCallback(self._cbPasswordMatch, creds.username) 96 return d 64 :param lines: An iterable of account lines to load. 65 66 :return: See ``create_account_maps``. 67 """ 68 return create_account_maps( 69 parse_accounts( 70 content_lines( 71 lines, 72 ), 73 ), 74 ) 75 76 def content_lines(lines): 77 """ 78 Drop empty and commented-out lines (``#``-prefixed) from an iterator of 79 lines. 80 81 :param lines: An iterator of lines to process. 82 83 :return: An iterator of lines including only those from ``lines`` that 84 include content intended to be loaded. 85 """ 86 for line in lines: 87 line = line.strip() 88 if line and not line.startswith("#"): 89 yield line 90 91 def parse_accounts(lines): 92 """ 93 Parse account lines into their components (name, key, rootcap). 94 """ 95 for line in lines: 96 name, passwd, rest = line.split(None, 2) 97 if not passwd.startswith("ssh-"): 98 raise ValueError( 99 "Password-based authentication is not supported; " 100 "configure key-based authentication instead." 101 ) 102 103 bits = rest.split() 104 keystring = " ".join([passwd] + bits[:-1]) 105 key = keys.Key.fromString(keystring) 106 rootcap = bits[-1] 107 yield (name, key, rootcap) 108 109 def create_account_maps(accounts): 110 """ 111 Build mappings from account names to keys and rootcaps. 112 113 :param accounts: An iterator if (name, key, rootcap) tuples. 114 115 :return: A tuple of two dicts. The first maps account names to rootcaps. 116 The second maps account names to public keys. 117 """ 118 rootcaps = BytesKeyDict() 119 pubkeys = BytesKeyDict() 120 for (name, key, rootcap) in accounts: 121 name_bytes = name.encode("utf-8") 122 rootcaps[name_bytes] = rootcap.encode("utf-8") 123 pubkeys[name_bytes] = [key] 124 return rootcaps, pubkeys -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 53 53 LeaseCancelSecret = Hash # was used to protect lease cancellation requests 54 54 55 class NoSpace(Exception): 56 """Storage space was not available for a space-allocating operation.""" 55 57 56 58 class DataTooLargeError(Exception): -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/introducer/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 134 134 furl = self.tub.registerReference(introducerservice, 135 135 furlFile=private_fn) 136 self.log(" introducer is at %s" % furl, umid="qF2L9A")136 self.log(" introducer can be found in {!r}".format(private_fn), umid="qF2L9A") 137 137 self.introducer_url = furl # for tests 138 138 -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/scripts/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 19 19 20 20 from twisted.python import usage 21 from allmydata.scripts.common import BaseOptions 21 from twisted.python.filepath import ( 22 FilePath, 23 ) 24 from allmydata.scripts.common import ( 25 BaseOptions, 26 BasedirOptions, 27 ) 28 from import ( 29 crawler, 30 expirer, 31 ) 22 32 23 33 class GenerateKeypairOptions(BaseOptions): … … 66 76 return 0 67 77 78 class MigrateCrawlerOptions(BasedirOptions): 79 80 def getSynopsis(self): 81 return "Usage: tahoe [global-options] admin migrate-crawler" 82 83 def getUsage(self, width=None): 84 t = BasedirOptions.getUsage(self, width) 85 t += ( 86 "The crawler data is now stored as JSON to avoid" 87 " potential security issues with pickle files.\n\nIf" 88 " you are confident the state files in the 'storage/'" 89 " subdirectory of your node are trustworthy, run this" 90 " command to upgrade them to JSON.\n\nThe files are:" 91 " lease_checker.history, lease_checker.state, and" 92 " bucket_counter.state" 93 ) 94 return t 95 96 97 def migrate_crawler(options): 98 out = options.stdout 99 storage = FilePath(options['basedir']).child("storage") 100 101 conversions = [ 102 (storage.child("lease_checker.state"), crawler._convert_pickle_state_to_json), 103 (storage.child("bucket_counter.state"), crawler._convert_pickle_state_to_json), 104 (storage.child("lease_checker.history"), expirer._convert_pickle_state_to_json), 105 ] 106 107 for fp, converter in conversions: 108 existed = fp.exists() 109 newfp = crawler._upgrade_pickle_to_json(fp, converter) 110 if existed: 111 print("Converted '{}' to '{}'".format(fp.path, newfp.path), file=out) 112 else: 113 if newfp.exists(): 114 print("Already converted: '{}'".format(newfp.path), file=out) 115 else: 116 print("Not found: '{}'".format(fp.path), file=out) 117 118 68 119 class AdminCommand(BaseOptions): 69 120 subCommands = [ … … 72 123 ("derive-pubkey", None, DerivePubkeyOptions, 73 124 "Derive a public key from a private key."), 125 ("migrate-crawler", None, MigrateCrawlerOptions, 126 "Write the crawler-history data as JSON."), 74 127 ] 75 128 def postOptions(self): … … 89 142 "generate-keypair": print_keypair, 90 143 "derive-pubkey": derive_pubkey, 144 "migrate-crawler": migrate_crawler, 91 145 } 92 146 -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/scripts/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 231 231 when = format_expiration_time(lease.get_expiration_time()) 232 232 print(" expires in %s" % when, file=out) 233 print(" renew_secret: %s" % str(base32.b2a(lease.renew_secret), "utf-8"), file=out)234 print(" cancel_secret: %s" % str(base32.b2a(lease.cancel_secret), "utf-8"), file=out)233 print(" renew_secret: %s" % lease.present_renew_secret(), file=out) 234 print(" cancel_secret: %s" % lease.present_cancel_secret(), file=out) 235 235 print(" secrets are for nodeid: %s" % idlib.nodeid_b2a(lease.nodeid), file=out) 236 236 else: -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/scripts/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 28 28 from allmydata.util.configutil import UnknownConfigError 29 29 from allmydata.util.deferredutil import HookMixin 30 30 from import ( 31 MigratePickleFileError, 32 ) 31 33 from allmydata.node import ( 32 34 PortAssignmentRequired, … … 165 167 elif reason.check(PrivacyError): 166 168 self.stderr.write("\n{}\n\n".format(reason.value)) 169 elif reason.check(MigratePickleFileError): 170 self.stderr.write( 171 "Error\nAt least one 'pickle' format file exists.\n" 172 "The file is {}\n" 173 "You must either delete the pickle-format files" 174 " or migrate them using the command:\n" 175 " tahoe admin migrate-crawler --basedir {}\n\n" 176 .format( 177 reason.value.args[0].path, 178 self.basedir, 179 ) 180 ) 167 181 else: 168 182 self.stderr.write("\nUnknown error\n") -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/storage/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 17 17 from allmydata.interfaces import DataTooLargeError # noqa: F401 18 18 19 class UnknownMutableContainerVersionError(Exception): 20 pass 21 class UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError(Exception): 19 class UnknownContainerVersionError(Exception): 20 def __init__(self, filename, version): 21 self.filename = filename 22 self.version = version 23 24 def __str__(self): 25 return "sharefile {!r} had unexpected version {!r}".format( 26 self.filename, 27 self.version, 28 ) 29 30 class UnknownMutableContainerVersionError(UnknownContainerVersionError): 22 31 pass 23 32 33 class UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError(UnknownContainerVersionError): 34 pass 24 35 25 36 def si_b2a(storageindex): -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/storage/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 12 12 from future.utils import PY2, PY3 13 13 if PY2: 14 # We don't import bytes, object, dict, and list just in case they're used, 15 # so as not to create brittle pickles with random magic objects. 16 from builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 17 18 import os, time, struct 19 try: 20 import cPickle as pickle 21 except ImportError: 22 import pickle # type: ignore 14 from builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 15 16 import os 17 import time 18 import json 19 import struct 23 20 from twisted.internet import reactor 24 21 from twisted.application import service 22 from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath 25 23 from import si_b2a 26 24 from allmydata.util import fileutil … … 28 26 class TimeSliceExceeded(Exception): 29 27 pass 28 29 30 class MigratePickleFileError(Exception): 31 """ 32 A pickle-format file exists (the FilePath to the file will be the 33 single arg). 34 """ 35 pass 36 37 38 def _convert_cycle_data(state): 39 """ 40 :param dict state: cycle-to-date or history-item state 41 42 :return dict: the state in the JSON form 43 """ 44 45 def _convert_expiration_mode(value): 46 # original is a 4-tuple, with the last element being a 2-tuple 47 # .. convert both to lists 48 return [ 49 value[0], 50 value[1], 51 value[2], 52 list(value[3]), 53 ] 54 55 def _convert_lease_age(value): 56 # if we're in cycle-to-date, this is a dict 57 if isinstance(value, dict): 58 return { 59 "{},{}".format(k[0], k[1]): v 60 for k, v in value.items() 61 } 62 # otherwise, it's a history-item and they're 3-tuples 63 return [ 64 list(v) 65 for v in value 66 ] 67 68 converters = { 69 "configured-expiration-mode": _convert_expiration_mode, 70 "cycle-start-finish-times": list, 71 "lease-age-histogram": _convert_lease_age, 72 "corrupt-shares": lambda value: [ 73 list(x) 74 for x in value 75 ], 76 "leases-per-share-histogram": lambda value: { 77 str(k): v 78 for k, v in value.items() 79 }, 80 } 81 return { 82 k: converters.get(k, lambda z: z)(v) 83 for k, v in state.items() 84 } 85 86 87 def _convert_pickle_state_to_json(state): 88 """ 89 :param dict state: the pickled state 90 91 :return dict: the state in the JSON form 92 """ 93 assert state["version"] == 1, "Only known version is 1" 94 95 converters = { 96 "cycle-to-date": _convert_cycle_data, 97 } 98 return { 99 k: converters.get(k, lambda x: x)(v) 100 for k, v in state.items() 101 } 102 103 104 def _upgrade_pickle_to_json(state_path, convert_pickle): 105 """ 106 :param FilePath state_path: the filepath to ensure is json 107 108 :param Callable[dict] convert_pickle: function to change 109 pickle-style state into JSON-style state 110 111 :returns FilePath: the local path where the state is stored 112 113 If this state is pickle, convert to the JSON format and return the 114 JSON path. 115 """ 116 json_state_path = state_path.siblingExtension(".json") 117 118 # if there's no file there at all, we're done because there's 119 # nothing to upgrade 120 if not state_path.exists(): 121 return json_state_path 122 123 # upgrade the pickle data to JSON 124 import pickle 125 with"rb") as f: 126 state = pickle.load(f) 127 new_state = convert_pickle(state) 128 _dump_json_to_file(new_state, json_state_path) 129 130 # we've written the JSON, delete the pickle 131 state_path.remove() 132 return json_state_path 133 134 135 def _confirm_json_format(fp): 136 """ 137 :param FilePath fp: the original (pickle) name of a state file 138 139 This confirms that we do _not_ have the pickle-version of a 140 state-file and _do_ either have nothing, or the JSON version. If 141 the pickle-version exists, an exception is raised. 142 143 :returns FilePath: the JSON name of a state file 144 """ 145 if fp.path.endswith(".json"): 146 return fp 147 jsonfp = fp.siblingExtension(".json") 148 if fp.exists(): 149 raise MigratePickleFileError(fp) 150 return jsonfp 151 152 153 def _dump_json_to_file(js, afile): 154 """ 155 Dump the JSON object `js` to the FilePath `afile` 156 """ 157 with"wb") as f: 158 data = json.dumps(js) 159 if PY2: 160 f.write(data) 161 else: 162 f.write(data.encode("utf8")) 163 164 165 class _LeaseStateSerializer(object): 166 """ 167 Read and write state for LeaseCheckingCrawler. This understands 168 how to read the legacy pickle format files and upgrade them to the 169 new JSON format (which will occur automatically). 170 """ 171 172 def __init__(self, state_path): 173 self._path = _confirm_json_format(FilePath(state_path)) 174 175 def load(self): 176 """ 177 :returns: deserialized JSON state 178 """ 179 with"rb") as f: 180 return json.load(f) 181 182 def save(self, data): 183 """ 184 Serialize the given data as JSON into the state-path 185 :returns: None 186 """ 187 tmpfile = self._path.siblingExtension(".tmp") 188 _dump_json_to_file(data, tmpfile) 189 fileutil.move_into_place(tmpfile.path, self._path.path) 190 return None 191 30 192 31 193 class ShareCrawler(service.MultiService): … … 91 253 self.server = server 92 254 self.sharedir = server.sharedir 93 self. statefile = statefile255 self._state_serializer = _LeaseStateSerializer(statefile) 94 256 self.prefixes = [si_b2a(struct.pack(">H", i << (16-10)))[:2] 95 257 for i in range(2**10)] … … 214 376 # None if we are sleeping between cycles 215 377 try: 216 with open(self.statefile, "rb") as f: 217 state = pickle.load(f) 378 state = self._state_serializer.load() 218 379 except Exception: 219 380 state = {"version": 1, … … 251 412 last_complete_prefix = self.prefixes[lcpi] 252 413 self.state["last-complete-prefix"] = last_complete_prefix 253 tmpfile = self.statefile + ".tmp" 254 with open(tmpfile, "wb") as f: 255 # Newer protocols won't work in Python 2; when it is dropped, 256 # protocol v4 can be used (added in Python 3.4). 257 pickle.dump(self.state, f, protocol=2) 258 fileutil.move_into_place(tmpfile, self.statefile) 414 259 415 260 416 def startService(self): -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/storage/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 6 6 from future.utils import PY2 7 7 if PY2: 8 # We omit anything that might end up in pickle, just in case. 9 from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 10 11 import time, os, pickle, struct 12 from import ShareCrawler 8 from builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 9 import json 10 import time 11 import os 12 import struct 13 from import ( 14 ShareCrawler, 15 _confirm_json_format, 16 _convert_cycle_data, 17 _dump_json_to_file, 18 ) 13 19 from import get_share_file 14 20 from import UnknownMutableContainerVersionError, \ 15 21 UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError 16 22 from twisted.python import log as twlog 23 from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath 24 25 26 def _convert_pickle_state_to_json(state): 27 """ 28 Convert a pickle-serialized crawler-history state to the new JSON 29 format. 30 31 :param dict state: the pickled state 32 33 :return dict: the state in the JSON form 34 """ 35 return { 36 str(k): _convert_cycle_data(v) 37 for k, v in state.items() 38 } 39 40 41 class _HistorySerializer(object): 42 """ 43 Serialize the 'history' file of the lease-crawler state. This is 44 "storage/lease_checker.history" for the pickle or 45 "storage/lease_checker.history.json" for the new JSON format. 46 """ 47 48 def __init__(self, history_path): 49 self._path = _confirm_json_format(FilePath(history_path)) 50 51 if not self._path.exists(): 52 _dump_json_to_file({}, self._path) 53 54 def load(self): 55 """ 56 Deserialize the existing data. 57 58 :return dict: the existing history state 59 """ 60 with"rb") as f: 61 history = json.load(f) 62 return history 63 64 def save(self, new_history): 65 """ 66 Serialize the existing data as JSON. 67 """ 68 _dump_json_to_file(new_history, self._path) 69 return None 70 17 71 18 72 class LeaseCheckingCrawler(ShareCrawler): … … 64 118 cutoff_date, # used if expiration_mode=="cutoff-date" 65 119 sharetypes): 66 self. historyfile = historyfile120 self._history_serializer = _HistorySerializer(historyfile) 67 121 self.expiration_enabled = expiration_enabled 68 122 self.mode = mode … … 92 146 self.state["cycle-to-date"].setdefault(k, so_far[k]) 93 147 94 # initialize history95 if not os.path.exists(self.historyfile):96 history = {} # cyclenum -> dict97 with open(self.historyfile, "wb") as f:98 # Newer protocols won't work in Python 2; when it is dropped,99 # protocol v4 can be used (added in Python 3.4).100 pickle.dump(history, f, protocol=2)101 102 148 def create_empty_cycle_dict(self): 103 149 recovered = self.create_empty_recovered_dict() … … 143 189 twlog.msg("lease-checker error processing %s" % sharefile) 144 190 twlog.err() 145 which = (storage_index_b32, shnum)191 which = [storage_index_b32, shnum] 146 192 self.state["cycle-to-date"]["corrupt-shares"].append(which) 147 193 wks = (1, 1, 1, "unknown") … … 213 259 214 260 so_far = self.state["cycle-to-date"] 215 self.increment(so_far["leases-per-share-histogram"], num_leases, 1)261 self.increment(so_far["leases-per-share-histogram"], str(num_leases), 1) 216 262 self.increment_space("examined", s, sharetype) 217 263 … … 292 338 start = self.state["current-cycle-start-time"] 293 339 now = time.time() 294 h["cycle-start-finish-times"] = (start, now)340 h["cycle-start-finish-times"] = [start, now] 295 341 h["expiration-enabled"] = self.expiration_enabled 296 h["configured-expiration-mode"] = (self.mode, 297 self.override_lease_duration, 298 self.cutoff_date, 299 self.sharetypes_to_expire) 342 h["configured-expiration-mode"] = [ 343 self.mode, 344 self.override_lease_duration, 345 self.cutoff_date, 346 self.sharetypes_to_expire, 347 ] 300 348 301 349 s = self.state["cycle-to-date"] … … 315 363 h["space-recovered"] = s["space-recovered"].copy() 316 364 317 with open(self.historyfile, "rb") as f: 318 history = pickle.load(f) 319 history[cycle] = h 365 history = self._history_serializer.load() 366 history[str(cycle)] = h 320 367 while len(history) > 10: 321 oldcycles = sorted(history.keys()) 322 del history[oldcycles[0]] 323 with open(self.historyfile, "wb") as f: 324 # Newer protocols won't work in Python 2; when it is dropped, 325 # protocol v4 can be used (added in Python 3.4). 326 pickle.dump(history, f, protocol=2) 368 oldcycles = sorted(int(k) for k in history.keys()) 369 del history[str(oldcycles[0])] 370 327 371 328 372 def get_state(self): … … 393 437 394 438 state = ShareCrawler.get_state(self) # does a shallow copy 395 with open(self.historyfile, "rb") as f: 396 history = pickle.load(f) 397 state["history"] = history 439 state["history"] = self._history_serializer.load() 398 440 399 441 if not progress["cycle-in-progress"]: … … 407 449 so_far["lease-age-histogram"] = self.convert_lease_age_histogram(lah) 408 450 so_far["expiration-enabled"] = self.expiration_enabled 409 so_far["configured-expiration-mode"] = (self.mode, 410 self.override_lease_duration, 411 self.cutoff_date, 412 self.sharetypes_to_expire) 451 so_far["configured-expiration-mode"] = [ 452 self.mode, 453 self.override_lease_duration, 454 self.cutoff_date, 455 self.sharetypes_to_expire, 456 ] 413 457 414 458 so_far_sr = so_far["space-recovered"] -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 22 22 RIBucketWriter, RIBucketReader, ConflictingWriteError, 23 23 DataTooLargeError, 24 NoSpace, 24 25 ) 25 26 from allmydata.util import base32, fileutil, log 26 27 from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition 27 from import LeaseInfo28 28 from import UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError 29 30 from .immutable_schema import ( 31 NEWEST_SCHEMA_VERSION, 32 schema_from_version, 33 ) 34 29 35 30 36 # each share file (in storage/shares/$SI/$SHNUM) contains lease information … … 34 40 35 41 # The share file has the following layout: 36 # 0x00: share file version number, four bytes, current version is 142 # 0x00: share file version number, four bytes, current version is 2 37 43 # 0x04: share data length, four bytes big-endian = A # See Footnote 1 below. 38 44 # 0x08: number of leases, four bytes big-endian … … 40 46 # A+0x0c = B: first lease. Lease format is: 41 47 # B+0x00: owner number, 4 bytes big-endian, 0 is reserved for no-owner 42 # B+0x04: renew secret, 32 bytes (SHA256 )43 # B+0x24: cancel secret, 32 bytes (SHA256 )48 # B+0x04: renew secret, 32 bytes (SHA256 + blake2b) # See Footnote 2 below. 49 # B+0x24: cancel secret, 32 bytes (SHA256 + blake2b) 44 50 # B+0x44: expiration time, 4 bytes big-endian seconds-since-epoch 45 51 # B+0x48: next lease, or end of record … … 53 59 # modulo 2**32. 54 60 61 # Footnote 2: The change between share file version number 1 and 2 is that 62 # storage of lease secrets is changed from plaintext to hashed. This change 63 # protects the secrets from compromises of local storage on the server: if a 64 # plaintext cancel secret is somehow exfiltrated from the storage server, an 65 # attacker could use it to cancel that lease and potentially cause user data 66 # to be discarded before intended by the real owner. As of this comment, 67 # lease cancellation is disabled because there have been at least two bugs 68 # which leak the persisted value of the cancellation secret. If lease secrets 69 # were stored hashed instead of plaintext then neither of these bugs would 70 # have allowed an attacker to learn a usable cancel secret. 71 # 72 # Clients are free to construct these secrets however they like. The 73 # Tahoe-LAFS client uses a SHA256-based construction. The server then uses 74 # blake2b to hash these values for storage so that it retains no persistent 75 # copy of the original secret. 76 # 77 78 def _fix_lease_count_format(lease_count_format): 79 """ 80 Turn a single character struct format string into a format string suitable 81 for use in encoding and decoding the lease count value inside a share 82 file, if possible. 83 84 :param str lease_count_format: A single character format string like 85 ``"B"`` or ``"L"``. 86 87 :raise ValueError: If the given format string is not suitable for use 88 encoding and decoding a lease count. 89 90 :return str: A complete format string which can safely be used to encode 91 and decode lease counts in a share file. 92 """ 93 if len(lease_count_format) != 1: 94 raise ValueError( 95 "Cannot construct ShareFile with lease_count_format={!r}; " 96 "format must accept a single value".format( 97 lease_count_format, 98 ), 99 ) 100 # Make it big-endian with standard size so all platforms agree on the 101 # result. 102 fixed = ">" + lease_count_format 103 if struct.calcsize(fixed) > 4: 104 # There is only room for at most 4 bytes in the share file format so 105 # we can't allow any larger formats. 106 raise ValueError( 107 "Cannot construct ShareFile with lease_count_format={!r}; " 108 "size must be smaller than size of '>L'".format( 109 lease_count_format, 110 ), 111 ) 112 return fixed 113 114 55 115 class ShareFile(object): 116 """ 117 Support interaction with persistent storage of a share. 118 119 :ivar str _lease_count_format: The format string which is used to encode 120 and decode the lease count inside the share file. As stated in the 121 comment in this module there is room for at most 4 bytes in this part 122 of the file. A format string that works on fewer bytes is allowed to 123 restrict the number of leases allowed in the share file to a smaller 124 number than could be supported by using the full 4 bytes. This is 125 mostly of interest for testing. 126 """ 56 127 LEASE_SIZE = struct.calcsize(">L32s32sL") 57 128 sharetype = "immutable" … … 70 141 """ 71 142 (version,) = struct.unpack(">L", header[:4]) 72 return version == 1 73 74 def __init__(self, filename, max_size=None, create=False): 75 """ If max_size is not None then I won't allow more than max_size to be written to me. If create=True and max_size must not be None. """ 143 return schema_from_version(version) is not None 144 145 def __init__( 146 self, 147 filename, 148 max_size=None, 149 create=False, 150 lease_count_format="L", 151 schema=NEWEST_SCHEMA_VERSION, 152 ): 153 """ 154 Initialize a ``ShareFile``. 155 156 :param Optional[int] max_size: If given, the maximum number of bytes 157 that this ``ShareFile`` will accept to be stored. 158 159 :param bool create: If ``True``, create the file (and fail if it 160 exists already). ``max_size`` must not be ``None`` in this case. 161 If ``False``, open an existing file for reading. 162 163 :param str lease_count_format: A format character to use to encode and 164 decode the number of leases in the share file. There are only 4 165 bytes available in the file so the format must be 4 bytes or 166 smaller. If different formats are used at different times with 167 the same share file, the result will likely be nonsense. 168 169 This parameter is intended for the test suite to use to be able to 170 exercise values near the maximum encodeable value without having 171 to create billions of leases. 172 173 :raise ValueError: If the encoding of ``lease_count_format`` is too 174 large or if it is not a single format character. 175 """ 176 76 177 precondition((max_size is not None) or (not create), max_size, create) 178 179 self._lease_count_format = _fix_lease_count_format(lease_count_format) 180 self._lease_count_size = struct.calcsize(self._lease_count_format) 77 181 self.home = filename 78 182 self._max_size = max_size … … 82 186 assert not os.path.exists(self.home) 83 187 fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.dirname(self.home)) 84 # The second field -- the four-byte share data length -- is no 85 # longer used as of Tahoe v1.3.0, but we continue to write it in 86 # there in case someone downgrades a storage server from >= 87 # Tahoe-1.3.0 to < Tahoe-1.3.0, or moves a share file from one 88 # server to another, etc. We do saturation -- a share data length 89 # larger than 2**32-1 (what can fit into the field) is marked as 90 # the largest length that can fit into the field. That way, even 91 # if this does happen, the old < v1.3.0 server will still allow 92 # clients to read the first part of the share. 188 self._schema = schema 93 189 with open(self.home, 'wb') as f: 94 f.write(s truct.pack(">LLL", 1, min(2**32-1, max_size), 0))190 f.write(self._schema.header(max_size)) 95 191 self._lease_offset = max_size + 0x0c 96 192 self._num_leases = 0 … … 99 195 filesize = os.path.getsize(self.home) 100 196 (version, unused, num_leases) = struct.unpack(">LLL", 101 if version != 1: 102 msg = "sharefile %s had version %d but we wanted 1" % \ 103 (filename, version) 104 raise UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError(msg) 197 self._schema = schema_from_version(version) 198 if self._schema is None: 199 raise UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError(filename, version) 105 200 self._num_leases = num_leases 106 201 self._lease_offset = filesize - (num_leases * self.LEASE_SIZE) … … 137 232 138 233 assert f.tell() == offset 139 f.write( lease_info.to_immutable_data())234 f.write(self._schema.lease_serializer.serialize(lease_info)) 140 235 141 236 def _read_num_leases(self, f): 142 237 143 (num_leases,) = struct.unpack(">L", 238 (num_leases,) = struct.unpack( 239 self._lease_count_format, 240, 241 ) 144 242 return num_leases 145 243 146 244 def _write_num_leases(self, f, num_leases): 245 self._write_encoded_num_leases( 246 f, 247 struct.pack(self._lease_count_format, num_leases), 248 ) 249 250 def _write_encoded_num_leases(self, f, encoded_num_leases): 147 251 148 f.write( struct.pack(">L", num_leases))252 f.write(encoded_num_leases) 149 253 150 254 def _truncate_leases(self, f, num_leases): … … 159 263 data = 160 264 if data: 161 yield LeaseInfo.from_immutable_data(data)265 yield self._schema.lease_serializer.unserialize(data) 162 266 163 267 def add_lease(self, lease_info): 164 268 with open(self.home, 'rb+') as f: 165 269 num_leases = self._read_num_leases(f) 270 # Before we write the new lease record, make sure we can encode 271 # the new lease count. 272 new_lease_count = struct.pack(self._lease_count_format, num_leases + 1) 166 273 self._write_lease_record(f, num_leases, lease_info) 167 self._write_ num_leases(f, num_leases+1)274 self._write_encoded_num_leases(f, new_lease_count) 168 275 169 276 def renew_lease(self, renew_secret, new_expire_time, allow_backdate=False): … … 190 297 raise IndexError("unable to renew non-existent lease") 191 298 192 def add_or_renew_lease(self, lease_info): 299 def add_or_renew_lease(self, available_space, lease_info): 300 """ 301 Renew an existing lease if possible, otherwise allocate a new one. 302 303 :param int available_space: The maximum number of bytes of storage to 304 commit in this operation. If more than this number of bytes is 305 required, raise ``NoSpace`` instead. 306 307 :param LeaseInfo lease_info: The details of the lease to renew or add. 308 309 :raise NoSpace: If more than ``available_space`` bytes is required to 310 complete the operation. In this case, no lease is added. 311 312 :return: ``None`` 313 """ 193 314 try: 194 315 self.renew_lease(lease_info.renew_secret, 195 316 lease_info.get_expiration_time()) 196 317 except IndexError: 318 if lease_info.immutable_size() > available_space: 319 raise NoSpace() 197 320 self.add_lease(lease_info) 198 199 321 200 322 def cancel_lease(self, cancel_secret): -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 16 16 import attr 17 17 18 from zope.interface import ( 19 Interface, 20 implementer, 21 ) 22 23 from twisted.python.components import ( 24 proxyForInterface, 25 ) 26 18 27 from allmydata.util.hashutil import timing_safe_compare 19 28 from allmydata.util import base32 29 30 # struct format for representation of a lease in an immutable share 31 IMMUTABLE_FORMAT = ">L32s32sL" 32 33 # struct format for representation of a lease in a mutable share 34 MUTABLE_FORMAT = ">LL32s32s20s" 35 36 37 class ILeaseInfo(Interface): 38 """ 39 Represent a marker attached to a share that indicates that share should be 40 retained for some amount of time. 41 42 Typically clients will create and renew leases on their shares as a way to 43 inform storage servers that there is still interest in those shares. A 44 share may have more than one lease. If all leases on a share have 45 expiration times in the past then the storage server may take this as a 46 strong hint that no one is interested in the share anymore and therefore 47 the share may be deleted to reclaim the space. 48 """ 49 def renew(new_expire_time): 50 """ 51 Create a new ``ILeaseInfo`` with the given expiration time. 52 53 :param Union[int, float] new_expire_time: The expiration time the new 54 ``ILeaseInfo`` will have. 55 56 :return: The new ``ILeaseInfo`` provider with the new expiration time. 57 """ 58 59 def get_expiration_time(): 60 """ 61 :return Union[int, float]: this lease's expiration time 62 """ 63 64 def get_grant_renew_time_time(): 65 """ 66 :return Union[int, float]: a guess about the last time this lease was 67 renewed 68 """ 69 70 def get_age(): 71 """ 72 :return Union[int, float]: a guess about how long it has been since this 73 lease was renewed 74 """ 75 76 def to_immutable_data(): 77 """ 78 :return bytes: a serialized representation of this lease suitable for 79 inclusion in an immutable container 80 """ 81 82 def to_mutable_data(): 83 """ 84 :return bytes: a serialized representation of this lease suitable for 85 inclusion in a mutable container 86 """ 87 88 def immutable_size(): 89 """ 90 :return int: the size of the serialized representation of this lease in an 91 immutable container 92 """ 93 94 def mutable_size(): 95 """ 96 :return int: the size of the serialized representation of this lease in a 97 mutable container 98 """ 99 100 def is_renew_secret(candidate_secret): 101 """ 102 :return bool: ``True`` if the given byte string is this lease's renew 103 secret, ``False`` otherwise 104 """ 105 106 def present_renew_secret(): 107 """ 108 :return str: Text which could reasonably be shown to a person representing 109 this lease's renew secret. 110 """ 111 112 def is_cancel_secret(candidate_secret): 113 """ 114 :return bool: ``True`` if the given byte string is this lease's cancel 115 secret, ``False`` otherwise 116 """ 117 118 def present_cancel_secret(): 119 """ 120 :return str: Text which could reasonably be shown to a person representing 121 this lease's cancel secret. 122 """ 123 124 125 @implementer(ILeaseInfo) 20 126 @attr.s(frozen=True) 21 127 class LeaseInfo(object): … … 81 187 return timing_safe_compare(self.renew_secret, candidate_secret) 82 188 189 def present_renew_secret(self): 190 # type: () -> str 191 """ 192 Return the renew secret, base32-encoded. 193 """ 194 return str(base32.b2a(self.renew_secret), "utf-8") 195 83 196 def is_cancel_secret(self, candidate_secret): 84 197 # type: (bytes) -> bool … … 90 203 """ 91 204 return timing_safe_compare(self.cancel_secret, candidate_secret) 205 206 def present_cancel_secret(self): 207 # type: () -> str 208 """ 209 Return the cancel secret, base32-encoded. 210 """ 211 return str(base32.b2a(self.cancel_secret), "utf-8") 92 212 93 213 def get_grant_renew_time_time(self): … … 111 231 "expiration_time", 112 232 ] 113 values = struct.unpack( ">L32s32sL", data)233 values = struct.unpack(IMMUTABLE_FORMAT, data) 114 234 return cls(nodeid=None, **dict(zip(names, values))) 115 235 236 def immutable_size(self): 237 """ 238 :return int: The size, in bytes, of the representation of this lease in an 239 immutable share file. 240 """ 241 return struct.calcsize(IMMUTABLE_FORMAT) 242 243 def mutable_size(self): 244 """ 245 :return int: The size, in bytes, of the representation of this lease in a 246 mutable share file. 247 """ 248 return struct.calcsize(MUTABLE_FORMAT) 249 116 250 def to_immutable_data(self): 117 return struct.pack( ">L32s32sL",251 return struct.pack(IMMUTABLE_FORMAT, 118 252 self.owner_num, 119 253 self.renew_secret, self.cancel_secret, … … 121 255 122 256 def to_mutable_data(self): 123 return struct.pack( ">LL32s32s20s",257 return struct.pack(MUTABLE_FORMAT, 124 258 self.owner_num, 125 259 int(self._expiration_time), … … 141 275 "nodeid", 142 276 ] 143 values = struct.unpack( ">LL32s32s20s", data)277 values = struct.unpack(MUTABLE_FORMAT, data) 144 278 return cls(**dict(zip(names, values))) 279 280 281 @attr.s(frozen=True) 282 class HashedLeaseInfo(proxyForInterface(ILeaseInfo, "_lease_info")): # type: ignore # unsupported dynamic base class 283 """ 284 A ``HashedLeaseInfo`` wraps lease information in which the secrets have 285 been hashed. 286 """ 287 _lease_info = attr.ib() 288 _hash = attr.ib() 289 290 # proxyForInterface will take care of forwarding all methods on ILeaseInfo 291 # to `_lease_info`. Here we override a few of those methods to adjust 292 # their behavior to make them suitable for use with hashed secrets. 293 294 def renew(self, new_expire_time): 295 # Preserve the HashedLeaseInfo wrapper around the renewed LeaseInfo. 296 return attr.assoc( 297 self, 298 _lease_info=super(HashedLeaseInfo, self).renew(new_expire_time), 299 ) 300 301 def is_renew_secret(self, candidate_secret): 302 # type: (bytes) -> bool 303 """ 304 Hash the candidate secret and compare the result to the stored hashed 305 secret. 306 """ 307 return super(HashedLeaseInfo, self).is_renew_secret(self._hash(candidate_secret)) 308 309 def present_renew_secret(self): 310 # type: () -> str 311 """ 312 Present the hash of the secret with a marker indicating it is a hash. 313 """ 314 return u"hash:" + super(HashedLeaseInfo, self).present_renew_secret() 315 316 def is_cancel_secret(self, candidate_secret): 317 # type: (bytes) -> bool 318 """ 319 Hash the candidate secret and compare the result to the stored hashed 320 secret. 321 """ 322 if isinstance(candidate_secret, _HashedCancelSecret): 323 # Someone read it off of this object in this project - probably 324 # the lease crawler - and is just trying to use it to identify 325 # which lease it wants to operate on. Avoid re-hashing the value. 326 # 327 # It is important that this codepath is only availably internally 328 # for this process to talk to itself. If it were to be exposed to 329 # clients over the network, they could just provide the hashed 330 # value to avoid having to ever learn the original value. 331 hashed_candidate = candidate_secret.hashed_value 332 else: 333 # It is not yet hashed so hash it. 334 hashed_candidate = self._hash(candidate_secret) 335 336 return super(HashedLeaseInfo, self).is_cancel_secret(hashed_candidate) 337 338 def present_cancel_secret(self): 339 # type: () -> str 340 """ 341 Present the hash of the secret with a marker indicating it is a hash. 342 """ 343 return u"hash:" + super(HashedLeaseInfo, self).present_cancel_secret() 344 345 @property 346 def owner_num(self): 347 return self._lease_info.owner_num 348 349 @property 350 def nodeid(self): 351 return self._lease_info.nodeid 352 353 @property 354 def cancel_secret(self): 355 """ 356 Give back an opaque wrapper around the hashed cancel secret which can 357 later be presented for a succesful equality comparison. 358 """ 359 # We don't *have* the cancel secret. We hashed it and threw away the 360 # original. That's good. It does mean that some code that runs 361 # in-process with the storage service (LeaseCheckingCrawler) runs into 362 # some difficulty. That code wants to cancel leases and does so using 363 # the same interface that faces storage clients (or would face them, 364 # if lease cancellation were exposed). 365 # 366 # Since it can't use the hashed secret to cancel a lease (that's the 367 # point of the hashing) and we don't have the unhashed secret to give 368 # it, instead we give it a marker that `cancel_lease` will recognize. 369 # On recognizing it, if the hashed value given matches the hashed 370 # value stored it is considered a match and the lease can be 371 # cancelled. 372 # 373 # This isn't great. Maybe the internal and external consumers of 374 # cancellation should use different interfaces. 375 return _HashedCancelSecret(self._lease_info.cancel_secret) 376 377 378 @attr.s(frozen=True) 379 class _HashedCancelSecret(object): 380 """ 381 ``_HashedCancelSecret`` is a marker type for an already-hashed lease 382 cancel secret that lets internal lease cancellers bypass the hash-based 383 protection that's imposed on external lease cancellers. 384 385 :ivar bytes hashed_value: The already-hashed secret. 386 """ 387 hashed_value = attr.ib() -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 14 14 import os, stat, struct 15 15 16 from allmydata.interfaces import BadWriteEnablerError 16 from allmydata.interfaces import ( 17 BadWriteEnablerError, 18 NoSpace, 19 ) 17 20 from allmydata.util import idlib, log 18 21 from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition … … 22 25 DataTooLargeError 23 26 from allmydata.mutable.layout import MAX_MUTABLE_SHARE_SIZE 24 27 from .mutable_schema import ( 28 NEWEST_SCHEMA_VERSION, 29 schema_from_header, 30 ) 25 31 26 32 # the MutableShareFile is like the ShareFile, but used for mutable data. It … … 62 68 # binary data to reduce the chance that a regular text file will look 63 69 # like a sharefile. 64 MAGIC = b"Tahoe mutable container v1\n" + b"\x75\x09\x44\x03\x8e"65 assert len(MAGIC) == 3266 assert isinstance(MAGIC, bytes)67 70 MAX_SIZE = MAX_MUTABLE_SHARE_SIZE 68 71 # TODO: decide upon a policy for max share size … … 80 83 ``False`` otherwise. 81 84 """ 82 return header.startswith(cls.MAGIC)83 84 def __init__(self, filename, parent=None ):85 return schema_from_header(header) is not None 86 87 def __init__(self, filename, parent=None, schema=NEWEST_SCHEMA_VERSION): 85 88 self.home = filename 86 89 if os.path.exists(self.home): 87 90 # we don't cache anything, just check the magic 88 91 with open(self.home, 'rb') as f: 89 data = 90 (magic, 91 write_enabler_nodeid, write_enabler, 92 data_length, extra_least_offset) = \ 93 struct.unpack(">32s20s32sQQ", data) 94 if not self.is_valid_header(data): 95 msg = "sharefile %s had magic '%r' but we wanted '%r'" % \ 96 (filename, magic, self.MAGIC) 97 raise UnknownMutableContainerVersionError(msg) 92 header = 93 self._schema = schema_from_header(header) 94 if self._schema is None: 95 raise UnknownMutableContainerVersionError(filename, header) 96 else: 97 self._schema = schema 98 98 self.parent = parent # for logging 99 99 … … 103 103 def create(self, my_nodeid, write_enabler): 104 104 assert not os.path.exists(self.home) 105 data_length = 0106 extra_lease_offset = (self.HEADER_SIZE107 + 4 * self.LEASE_SIZE108 + data_length)109 assert extra_lease_offset == self.DATA_OFFSET # true at creation110 num_extra_leases = 0111 105 with open(self.home, 'wb') as f: 112 header = struct.pack( 113 ">32s20s32sQQ", 114 self.MAGIC, my_nodeid, write_enabler, 115 data_length, extra_lease_offset, 116 ) 117 leases = (b"\x00" * self.LEASE_SIZE) * 4 118 f.write(header + leases) 119 # data goes here, empty after creation 120 f.write(struct.pack(">L", num_extra_leases)) 121 # extra leases go here, none at creation 106 f.write(self._schema.header(my_nodeid, write_enabler)) 122 107 123 108 def unlink(self): … … 135 120 def _read_share_data(self, f, offset, length): 136 121 precondition(offset >= 0) 122 precondition(length >= 0) 137 123 data_length = self._read_data_length(f) 138 124 if offset+length > data_length: … … 251 237 252 238 assert f.tell() == offset 253 f.write( lease_info.to_mutable_data())239 f.write(self._schema.lease_serializer.serialize(lease_info)) 254 240 255 241 def _read_lease_record(self, f, lease_number): … … 268 254 assert f.tell() == offset 269 255 data = 270 lease_info = LeaseInfo.from_mutable_data(data)256 lease_info = self._schema.lease_serializer.unserialize(data) 271 257 if lease_info.owner_num == 0: 272 258 return None … … 303 289 return 304 290 305 def add_lease(self, lease_info): 291 def add_lease(self, available_space, lease_info): 292 """ 293 Add a new lease to this share. 294 295 :param int available_space: The maximum number of bytes of storage to 296 commit in this operation. If more than this number of bytes is 297 required, raise ``NoSpace`` instead. 298 299 :raise NoSpace: If more than ``available_space`` bytes is required to 300 complete the operation. In this case, no lease is added. 301 302 :return: ``None`` 303 """ 306 304 precondition(lease_info.owner_num != 0) # 0 means "no lease here" 307 305 with open(self.home, 'rb+') as f: … … 311 309 self._write_lease_record(f, empty_slot, lease_info) 312 310 else: 311 if lease_info.mutable_size() > available_space: 312 raise NoSpace() 313 313 self._write_lease_record(f, num_lease_slots, lease_info) 314 314 … … 346 346 raise IndexError(msg) 347 347 348 def add_or_renew_lease(self, lease_info):348 def add_or_renew_lease(self, available_space, lease_info): 349 349 precondition(lease_info.owner_num != 0) # 0 means "no lease here" 350 350 try: … … 352 352 lease_info.get_expiration_time()) 353 353 except IndexError: 354 self.add_lease( lease_info)354 self.add_lease(available_space, lease_info) 355 355 356 356 def cancel_lease(self, cancel_secret): -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 63 63 """ 64 64 name = 'storage' 65 # only the tests change this to anything else 65 66 LeaseCheckerClass = LeaseCheckingCrawler 66 67 … … 83 84 fileutil.make_dirs(sharedir) 84 85 self.sharedir = sharedir 85 # we don't actually create the corruption-advisory dir until necessary86 86 self.corruption_advisory_dir = os.path.join(storedir, 87 87 "corruption-advisories") 88 fileutil.make_dirs(self.corruption_advisory_dir) 88 89 self.reserved_space = int(reserved_space) 89 90 self.no_storage = discard_storage … … 302 303 start = self._clock.seconds() 303 304 self.count("allocate") 304 alreadygot = set()305 alreadygot = {} 305 306 bucketwriters = {} # k: shnum, v: BucketWriter 306 307 si_dir = storage_index_to_dir(storage_index) … … 334 335 # file, they'll want us to hold leases for this file. 335 336 for (shnum, fn) in self._get_bucket_shares(storage_index): 336 alreadygot .add(shnum)337 alreadygot[shnum] = ShareFile(fn) 337 338 if renew_leases: 338 339 sf = ShareFile(fn) … … 370 371 371 372 self.add_latency("allocate", self._clock.seconds() - start) 372 return alreadygot, bucketwriters373 return set(alreadygot), bucketwriters 373 374 374 375 def remote_allocate_buckets(self, storage_index, … … 627 628 Put the given lease onto the given shares. 628 629 629 :param dict[int, MutableShareFile] shares: The shares to put the lease630 onto.630 :param Iterable[Union[MutableShareFile, ShareFile]] shares: The shares 631 to put the lease onto. 631 632 632 633 :param LeaseInfo lease_info: The lease to put on the shares. 633 634 """ 634 for share in s ix.viewvalues(shares):635 share.add_or_renew_lease( lease_info)635 for share in shares: 636 share.add_or_renew_lease(self.get_available_space(), lease_info) 636 637 637 638 def slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev( # type: ignore # warner/foolscap#78 … … 693 694 if renew_leases: 694 695 lease_info = self._make_lease_info(renew_secret, cancel_secret) 695 self._add_or_renew_leases(remaining_shares , lease_info)696 self._add_or_renew_leases(remaining_shares.values(), lease_info) 696 697 697 698 # all done … … 748 749 return datavs 749 750 751 def _share_exists(self, storage_index, shnum): 752 """ 753 Check local share storage to see if a matching share exists. 754 755 :param bytes storage_index: The storage index to inspect. 756 :param int shnum: The share number to check for. 757 758 :return bool: ``True`` if a share with the given number exists at the 759 given storage index, ``False`` otherwise. 760 """ 761 for existing_sharenum, ignored in self._get_bucket_shares(storage_index): 762 if existing_sharenum == shnum: 763 return True 764 return False 765 750 766 def remote_advise_corrupt_share(self, share_type, storage_index, shnum, 751 767 reason): … … 754 770 assert isinstance(share_type, bytes) 755 771 assert isinstance(reason, bytes), "%r is not bytes" % (reason,) 756 fileutil.make_dirs(self.corruption_advisory_dir) 757 now = time_format.iso_utc(sep="T") 772 758 773 si_s = si_b2a(storage_index) 759 # windows can't handle colons in the filename 760 fn = os.path.join( 761 self.corruption_advisory_dir, 762 ("%s--%s-%d" % (now, str(si_s, "utf-8"), shnum)).replace(":","") 763 ) 764 with open(fn, "w") as f: 765 f.write("report: Share Corruption\n") 766 f.write("type: %s\n" % bytes_to_native_str(share_type)) 767 f.write("storage_index: %s\n" % bytes_to_native_str(si_s)) 768 f.write("share_number: %d\n" % shnum) 769 f.write("\n") 770 f.write(bytes_to_native_str(reason)) 771 f.write("\n") 774 775 if not self._share_exists(storage_index, shnum): 776 log.msg( 777 format=( 778 "discarding client corruption claim for %(si)s/%(shnum)d " 779 "which I do not have" 780 ), 781 si=si_s, 782 shnum=shnum, 783 ) 784 return 785 772 786 log.msg(format=("client claims corruption in (%(share_type)s) " + 773 787 "%(si)s-%(shnum)d: %(reason)s"), 774 788 share_type=share_type, si=si_s, shnum=shnum, reason=reason, 775 789 level=log.SCARY, umid="SGx2fA") 790 791 report = render_corruption_report(share_type, si_s, shnum, reason) 792 if len(report) > self.get_available_space(): 793 return None 794 795 now = time_format.iso_utc(sep="T") 796 report_path = get_corruption_report_path( 797 self.corruption_advisory_dir, 798 now, 799 si_s, 800 shnum, 801 ) 802 with open(report_path, "w") as f: 803 f.write(report) 804 776 805 return None 806 807 CORRUPTION_REPORT_FORMAT = """\ 808 report: Share Corruption 809 type: {type} 810 storage_index: {storage_index} 811 share_number: {share_number} 812 813 {reason} 814 815 """ 816 817 def render_corruption_report(share_type, si_s, shnum, reason): 818 """ 819 Create a string that explains a corruption report using freeform text. 820 821 :param bytes share_type: The type of the share which the report is about. 822 823 :param bytes si_s: The encoded representation of the storage index which 824 the report is about. 825 826 :param int shnum: The share number which the report is about. 827 828 :param bytes reason: The reason given by the client for the corruption 829 report. 830 """ 831 return CORRUPTION_REPORT_FORMAT.format( 832 type=bytes_to_native_str(share_type), 833 storage_index=bytes_to_native_str(si_s), 834 share_number=shnum, 835 reason=bytes_to_native_str(reason), 836 ) 837 838 def get_corruption_report_path(base_dir, now, si_s, shnum): 839 """ 840 Determine the path to which a certain corruption report should be written. 841 842 :param str base_dir: The directory beneath which to construct the path. 843 844 :param str now: The time of the report. 845 846 :param str si_s: The encoded representation of the storage index which the 847 report is about. 848 849 :param int shnum: The share number which the report is about. 850 851 :return str: A path to which the report can be written. 852 """ 853 # windows can't handle colons in the filename 854 return os.path.join( 855 base_dir, 856 ("%s--%s-%d" % (now, str(si_s, "utf-8"), shnum)).replace(":","") 857 ) -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 89 89 MDMF_VERSION, 90 90 IAddressFamily, 91 NoSpace, 91 92 ) 92 93 from allmydata.check_results import CheckResults, CheckAndRepairResults, \ … … 140 141 "" 141 142 ) 143 144 @attr.s 145 class FakeDisk(object): 146 """ 147 Just enough of a disk to be able to report free / used information. 148 """ 149 total = attr.ib() 150 used = attr.ib() 151 152 def use(self, num_bytes): 153 """ 154 Mark some amount of available bytes as used (and no longer available). 155 156 :param int num_bytes: The number of bytes to use. 157 158 :raise NoSpace: If there are fewer bytes available than ``num_bytes``. 159 160 :return: ``None`` 161 """ 162 if num_bytes > - self.used: 163 raise NoSpace() 164 self.used += num_bytes 165 166 @property 167 def available(self): 168 return - self.used 169 170 def get_disk_stats(self, whichdir, reserved_space): 171 avail = self.available 172 return { 173 'total':, 174 'free_for_root': avail, 175 'free_for_nonroot': avail, 176 'used': self.used, 177 'avail': avail - reserved_space, 178 } 142 179 143 180 -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 17 17 builds, 18 18 binary, 19 integers, 19 20 ) 20 21 … … 120 121 mdmf_capabilities(), 121 122 ) 123 124 def offsets(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** 16): 125 """ 126 Build ``int`` values that could be used as valid offsets into a sequence 127 (such as share data in a share file). 128 """ 129 return integers(min_value, max_value) 130 131 def lengths(min_value=1, max_value=2 ** 16): 132 """ 133 Build ``int`` values that could be used as valid lengths of data (such as 134 share data in a share file). 135 """ 136 return integers(min_value, max_value) -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 9 9 from future.utils import PY2 10 10 if PY2: 11 from future.builtins import str # noqa: F401 11 from future.builtins import str, open # noqa: F401 12 13 from hypothesis import ( 14 given, 15 ) 16 from hypothesis.strategies import ( 17 text, 18 characters, 19 lists, 20 ) 12 21 13 22 from twisted.trial import unittest … … 39 48 """) 40 49 41 DUMMY_ACCOUNTS = u"""\ 42 alice herpassword URI:DIR2:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 43 bob sekrit URI:DIR2:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 44 45 # dennis password URI:DIR2:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 50 DUMMY_KEY_DSA = keys.Key.fromString("""\ 51 -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- 52 b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAABsQAAAAdzc2gtZH 53 NzAAAAgQDKMh/ELaiP21LYRBuPbUy7dUhv/XZwV7aS1LzxSP+KaJvtDOei8X76XEAfkqX+ 54 aGh9eup+BLkezrV6LlpO9uPzhY8ChlKpkvw5PZKv/2agSrVxZyG7yEzHNtSBQXE6qNMwIk 55 N/ycXLGCqyAhQSzRhLz9ETNaslRDLo7YyVWkiuAQAAABUA5nTatFKux5EqZS4EarMWFRBU 56 i1UAAACAFpkkK+JsPixSTPyn0DNMoGKA0Klqy8h61Ds6pws+4+aJQptUBshpwNw1ypo7MO 57 +goDZy3wwdWtURTPGMgesNdEfxp8L2/kqE4vpMK0myoczCqOiWMeNB/x1AStbSkBI8WmHW 58 2htgsC01xbaix/FrA3edK8WEyv+oIxlbV1FkrPkAAACANb0EpCc8uoR4/32rO2JLsbcLBw 59 H5wc2khe7AKkIa9kUknRIRvoCZUtXF5XuXXdRmnpVEm2KcsLdtZjip43asQcqgt0Kz3nuF 60 kAf7bI98G1waFUimcCSPsal4kCmW2HC11sg/BWOt5qczX/0/3xVxpo6juUeBq9ncnFTvPX 61 5fOlEAAAHoJkFqHiZBah4AAAAHc3NoLWRzcwAAAIEAyjIfxC2oj9tS2EQbj21Mu3VIb/12 62 cFe2ktS88Uj/imib7QznovF++lxAH5Kl/mhofXrqfgS5Hs61ei5aTvbj84WPAoZSqZL8OT 63 2Sr/9moEq1cWchu8hMxzbUgUFxOqjTMCJDf8nFyxgqsgIUEs0YS8/REzWrJUQy6O2MlVpI 64 rgEAAAAVAOZ02rRSrseRKmUuBGqzFhUQVItVAAAAgBaZJCvibD4sUkz8p9AzTKBigNCpas 65 vIetQ7OqcLPuPmiUKbVAbIacDcNcqaOzDvoKA2ct8MHVrVEUzxjIHrDXRH8afC9v5KhOL6 66 TCtJsqHMwqjoljHjQf8dQErW0pASPFph1tobYLAtNcW2osfxawN3nSvFhMr/qCMZW1dRZK 67 z5AAAAgDW9BKQnPLqEeP99qztiS7G3CwcB+cHNpIXuwCpCGvZFJJ0SEb6AmVLVxeV7l13U 68 Zp6VRJtinLC3bWY4qeN2rEHKoLdCs957hZAH+2yPfBtcGhVIpnAkj7GpeJAplthwtdbIPw 69 VjreanM1/9P98VcaaOo7lHgavZ3JxU7z1+XzpRAAAAFQC7360pZLbv7PFt4BPFJ8zAHxAe 70 QwAAAA5leGFya3VuQGJhcnlvbgECAwQ= 71 -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- 72 """) 73 74 ACCOUNTS = u"""\ 75 # dennis {key} URI:DIR2:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 46 76 carol {key} URI:DIR2:cccccccccccccccccccccccccc:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 47 77 """.format(key=str(DUMMY_KEY.public().toString("openssh"), "ascii")).encode("ascii") 48 78 79 # Python str.splitlines considers NEXT LINE, LINE SEPARATOR, and PARAGRAPH 80 # separator to be line separators, too. However, file.readlines() does not... 81 LINE_SEPARATORS = ( 82 '\x0a', # line feed 83 '\x0b', # vertical tab 84 '\x0c', # form feed 85 '\x0d', # carriage return 86 ) 87 88 class AccountFileParserTests(unittest.TestCase): 89 """ 90 Tests for ``load_account_file`` and its helper functions. 91 """ 92 @given(lists( 93 text(alphabet=characters( 94 blacklist_categories=( 95 # Surrogates are an encoding trick to help out UTF-16. 96 # They're not necessary to represent any non-surrogate code 97 # point in unicode. They're also not legal individually but 98 # only in pairs. 99 'Cs', 100 ), 101 # Exclude all our line separators too. 102 blacklist_characters=("\n", "\r"), 103 )), 104 )) 105 def test_ignore_comments(self, lines): 106 """ 107 ``auth.content_lines`` filters out lines beginning with `#` and empty 108 lines. 109 """ 110 expected = set() 111 112 # It's not clear that real files and StringIO behave sufficiently 113 # similarly to use the latter instead of the former here. In 114 # particular, they seem to have distinct and incompatible 115 # line-splitting rules. 116 bufpath = self.mktemp() 117 with open(bufpath, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as buf: 118 for line in lines: 119 stripped = line.strip() 120 is_content = stripped and not stripped.startswith("#") 121 if is_content: 122 expected.add(stripped) 123 buf.write(line + "\n") 124 125 with auth.open_account_file(bufpath) as buf: 126 actual = set(auth.content_lines(buf)) 127 128 self.assertEqual(expected, actual) 129 130 def test_parse_accounts(self): 131 """ 132 ``auth.parse_accounts`` accepts an iterator of account lines and returns 133 an iterator of structured account data. 134 """ 135 alice_key = DUMMY_KEY.public().toString("openssh").decode("utf-8") 136 alice_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:1111" 137 138 bob_key = DUMMY_KEY_DSA.public().toString("openssh").decode("utf-8") 139 bob_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:2222" 140 self.assertEqual( 141 list(auth.parse_accounts([ 142 "alice {} {}".format(alice_key, alice_cap), 143 "bob {} {}".format(bob_key, bob_cap), 144 ])), 145 [ 146 ("alice", DUMMY_KEY.public(), alice_cap), 147 ("bob", DUMMY_KEY_DSA.public(), bob_cap), 148 ], 149 ) 150 151 def test_parse_accounts_rejects_passwords(self): 152 """ 153 The iterator returned by ``auth.parse_accounts`` raises ``ValueError`` 154 when processing reaches a line that has what looks like a password 155 instead of an ssh key. 156 """ 157 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 158 list(auth.parse_accounts(["alice apassword URI:DIR2:aaaa:1111"])) 159 160 def test_create_account_maps(self): 161 """ 162 ``auth.create_account_maps`` accepts an iterator of structured account 163 data and returns two mappings: one from account name to rootcap, the 164 other from account name to public keys. 165 """ 166 alice_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:1111" 167 alice_key = DUMMY_KEY.public() 168 bob_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:2222" 169 bob_key = DUMMY_KEY_DSA.public() 170 accounts = [ 171 ("alice", alice_key, alice_cap), 172 ("bob", bob_key, bob_cap), 173 ] 174 self.assertEqual( 175 auth.create_account_maps(accounts), 176 ({ 177 b"alice": alice_cap.encode("utf-8"), 178 b"bob": bob_cap.encode("utf-8"), 179 }, 180 { 181 b"alice": [alice_key], 182 b"bob": [bob_key], 183 }), 184 ) 185 186 def test_load_account_file(self): 187 """ 188 ``auth.load_account_file`` accepts an iterator of serialized account lines 189 and returns two mappings: one from account name to rootcap, the other 190 from account name to public keys. 191 """ 192 alice_key = DUMMY_KEY.public().toString("openssh").decode("utf-8") 193 alice_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:1111" 194 195 bob_key = DUMMY_KEY_DSA.public().toString("openssh").decode("utf-8") 196 bob_cap = "URI:DIR2:aaaa:2222" 197 198 accounts = [ 199 "alice {} {}".format(alice_key, alice_cap), 200 "bob {} {}".format(bob_key, bob_cap), 201 "# carol {} {}".format(alice_key, alice_cap), 202 ] 203 204 self.assertEqual( 205 auth.load_account_file(accounts), 206 ({ 207 b"alice": alice_cap.encode("utf-8"), 208 b"bob": bob_cap.encode("utf-8"), 209 }, 210 { 211 b"alice": [DUMMY_KEY.public()], 212 b"bob": [DUMMY_KEY_DSA.public()], 213 }), 214 ) 215 216 49 217 class AccountFileCheckerKeyTests(unittest.TestCase): 50 218 """ … … 53 221 def setUp(self): 54 222 self.account_file = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) 55 self.account_file.setContent( DUMMY_ACCOUNTS)223 self.account_file.setContent(ACCOUNTS) 56 224 abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(str(self.account_file.path)) 57 225 self.checker = auth.AccountFileChecker(None, abspath) 58 226 59 def test_unknown_user _ssh(self):227 def test_unknown_user(self): 60 228 """ 61 229 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with … … 65 233 key_credentials = credentials.SSHPrivateKey( 66 234 b"dennis", b"md5", None, None, None) 67 avatarId = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials)68 return self.assertFailure(avatarId, error.UnauthorizedLogin)69 70 def test_unknown_user_password(self):71 """72 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with73 UnauthorizedLogin if called with an SSHPrivateKey object with a74 username not present in the account file.75 76 We use a commented out user, so we're also checking that comments are77 skipped.78 """79 key_credentials = credentials.UsernamePassword(b"dennis", b"password")80 d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials)81 return self.assertFailure(d, error.UnauthorizedLogin)82 83 def test_password_auth_user_with_ssh_key(self):84 """85 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with86 UnauthorizedLogin if called with an SSHPrivateKey object for a username87 only associated with a password in the account file.88 """89 key_credentials = credentials.SSHPrivateKey(90 b"alice", b"md5", None, None, None)91 avatarId = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials)92 return self.assertFailure(avatarId, error.UnauthorizedLogin)93 94 def test_password_auth_user_with_correct_password(self):95 """96 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with97 the user if the correct password is given.98 """99 key_credentials = credentials.UsernamePassword(b"alice", b"herpassword")100 d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials)101 def authenticated(avatarId):102 self.assertEqual(103 (b"alice",104 b"URI:DIR2:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"),105 (avatarId.username, avatarId.rootcap))106 return d107 108 def test_password_auth_user_with_correct_hashed_password(self):109 """110 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with111 the user if the correct password is given in hashed form.112 """113 key_credentials = credentials.UsernameHashedPassword(b"alice", b"herpassword")114 d = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials)115 def authenticated(avatarId):116 self.assertEqual(117 (b"alice",118 b"URI:DIR2:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"),119 (avatarId.username, avatarId.rootcap))120 return d121 122 def test_password_auth_user_with_wrong_password(self):123 """124 AccountFileChecker.requestAvatarId returns a Deferred that fires with125 UnauthorizedLogin if the wrong password is given.126 """127 key_credentials = credentials.UsernamePassword(b"alice", b"WRONG")128 235 avatarId = self.checker.requestAvatarId(key_credentials) 129 236 return self.assertFailure(avatarId, error.UnauthorizedLogin) -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 499 499 return d 500 500 501 def test_simul taneous_onefails_onecancelled(self):501 def test_simul_1fail_1cancel(self): 502 502 # This exercises an mplayer behavior in ticket #1154. I believe that 503 503 # mplayer made two simultaneous webapi GET requests: first one for an … … 1114 1114 d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.restore_all_shares(self.shares)) 1115 1115 d.addCallback(fireEventually) 1116 corrupt_values = [(3, 2, "no-sh2"), 1117 (15, 2, "need-4th"), # share looks v2 1118 ] 1116 corrupt_values = [ 1117 # Make the container version for share number 2 look 1118 # unsupported. If you add support for immutable share file 1119 # version number much past 16 million then you will have to 1120 # update this test. Also maybe you have other problems. 1121 (1, 255, "no-sh2"), 1122 # Make the immutable share number 2 (not the container, the 1123 # thing inside the container) look unsupported. Ditto the 1124 # above about version numbers in the ballpark of 16 million. 1125 (13, 255, "need-4th"), 1126 ] 1119 1127 for i,newvalue,expected in corrupt_values: 1120 1128 d.addCallback(self._corrupt_set, imm_uri, i, newvalue) -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 14 14 from six import ensure_str 15 15 16 from io import ( 17 BytesIO, 18 ) 16 19 import time 17 20 import os.path … … 20 23 import struct 21 24 import shutil 25 from functools import partial 22 26 from uuid import uuid4 27 28 from testtools.matchers import ( 29 HasLength, 30 ) 23 31 24 32 from twisted.trial import unittest … … 35 43 from import get_share_file 36 44 from import MutableShareFile 45 from import ( 46 ALL_SCHEMAS as ALL_MUTABLE_SCHEMAS, 47 ) 37 48 from import BucketWriter, BucketReader, ShareFile 49 from import ( 50 ALL_SCHEMAS as ALL_IMMUTABLE_SCHEMAS, 51 ) 38 52 from import storage_index_to_dir, \ 39 53 UnknownMutableContainerVersionError, UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError, \ … … 57 71 _StorageServer, 58 72 ) 59 from .common import LoggingServiceParent, ShouldFailMixin 73 from .common import ( 74 LoggingServiceParent, 75 ShouldFailMixin, 76 FakeDisk, 77 SyncTestCase, 78 ) 60 79 from .common_util import FakeCanary 80 from .common_storage import ( 81 upload_immutable, 82 upload_mutable, 83 ) 84 from .strategies import ( 85 offsets, 86 lengths, 87 ) 61 88 62 89 … … 102 129 def register_producer(self, producer): 103 130 pass 131 104 132 105 133 class Bucket(unittest.TestCase): … … 750 778 e = self.failUnlessRaises(UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError, 751 779 ss.remote_get_buckets, b"si1") 752 self.failUnlessIn(" had version 0 but we wanted 1", str(e)) 780 self.assertEqual(e.filename, fn) 781 self.assertEqual(e.version, 0) 782 self.assertIn("had unexpected version 0", str(e)) 753 783 754 784 def test_disconnect(self): … … 778 808 self.failUnlessEqual(set(writers.keys()), set([0,1,2])) 779 809 810 def test_reserved_space_immutable_lease(self): 811 """ 812 If there is not enough available space to store an additional lease on an 813 immutable share then ``remote_add_lease`` fails with ``NoSpace`` when 814 an attempt is made to use it to create a new lease. 815 """ 816 disk = FakeDisk(total=1024, used=0) 817 self.patch(fileutil, "get_disk_stats", disk.get_disk_stats) 818 819 ss = self.create("test_reserved_space_immutable_lease") 820 821 storage_index = b"x" * 16 822 renew_secret = b"r" * 32 823 cancel_secret = b"c" * 32 824 shares = {0: b"y" * 500} 825 upload_immutable(ss, storage_index, renew_secret, cancel_secret, shares) 826 827 # use up all the available space 828 disk.use(disk.available) 829 830 # Different secrets to produce a different lease, not a renewal. 831 renew_secret = b"R" * 32 832 cancel_secret = b"C" * 32 833 with self.assertRaises(interfaces.NoSpace): 834 ss.remote_add_lease(storage_index, renew_secret, cancel_secret) 835 836 def test_reserved_space_mutable_lease(self): 837 """ 838 If there is not enough available space to store an additional lease on a 839 mutable share then ``remote_add_lease`` fails with ``NoSpace`` when an 840 attempt is made to use it to create a new lease. 841 """ 842 disk = FakeDisk(total=1024, used=0) 843 self.patch(fileutil, "get_disk_stats", disk.get_disk_stats) 844 845 ss = self.create("test_reserved_space_mutable_lease") 846 847 renew_secrets = iter( 848 "{}{}".format("r" * 31, i).encode("ascii") 849 for i 850 in range(5) 851 ) 852 853 storage_index = b"x" * 16 854 write_enabler = b"w" * 32 855 cancel_secret = b"c" * 32 856 secrets = (write_enabler, next(renew_secrets), cancel_secret) 857 shares = {0: b"y" * 500} 858 upload_mutable(ss, storage_index, secrets, shares) 859 860 # use up all the available space 861 disk.use(disk.available) 862 863 # The upload created one lease. There is room for three more leases 864 # in the share header. Even if we're out of disk space, on a boring 865 # enough filesystem we can write these. 866 for i in range(3): 867 ss.remote_add_lease(storage_index, next(renew_secrets), cancel_secret) 868 869 # Having used all of the space for leases in the header, we would have 870 # to allocate storage for the next lease. Since there is no space 871 # available, this must fail instead. 872 with self.assertRaises(interfaces.NoSpace): 873 ss.remote_add_lease(storage_index, next(renew_secrets), cancel_secret) 874 875 780 876 def test_reserved_space(self): 781 877 reserved = 10000 … … 906 1002 # Create a bucket: 907 1003 rs0, cs0 = self.create_bucket_5_shares(ss, b"si0") 1004 1005 # Upload of an immutable implies creation of a single lease with the 1006 # supplied secrets. 908 1007 (lease,) = ss.get_leases(b"si0") 909 1008 self.assertTrue(lease.is_renew_secret(rs0)) … … 1037 1136 self.failUnlessEqual(b[0].remote_read(0, 25), b"\x00" * 25) 1038 1137 1138 def test_reserved_space_advise_corruption(self): 1139 """ 1140 If there is no available space then ``remote_advise_corrupt_share`` does 1141 not write a corruption report. 1142 """ 1143 disk = FakeDisk(total=1024, used=1024) 1144 self.patch(fileutil, "get_disk_stats", disk.get_disk_stats) 1145 1146 workdir = self.workdir("test_reserved_space_advise_corruption") 1147 ss = StorageServer(workdir, b"\x00" * 20, discard_storage=True) 1148 ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) 1149 1150 upload_immutable(ss, b"si0", b"r" * 32, b"c" * 32, {0: b""}) 1151 ss.remote_advise_corrupt_share(b"immutable", b"si0", 0, 1152 b"This share smells funny.\n") 1153 1154 self.assertEqual( 1155 [], 1156 os.listdir(ss.corruption_advisory_dir), 1157 ) 1158 1039 1159 def test_advise_corruption(self): 1040 1160 workdir = self.workdir("test_advise_corruption") … … 1043 1163 1044 1164 si0_s = base32.b2a(b"si0") 1165 upload_immutable(ss, b"si0", b"r" * 32, b"c" * 32, {0: b""}) 1045 1166 ss.remote_advise_corrupt_share(b"immutable", b"si0", 0, 1046 1167 b"This share smells funny.\n") … … 1081 1202 self.failUnlessIn(b"This share tastes like dust.", report) 1082 1203 1204 def test_advise_corruption_missing(self): 1205 """ 1206 If a corruption advisory is received for a share that is not present on 1207 this server then it is not persisted. 1208 """ 1209 workdir = self.workdir("test_advise_corruption_missing") 1210 ss = StorageServer(workdir, b"\x00" * 20, discard_storage=True) 1211 ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) 1212 1213 # Upload one share for this storage index 1214 upload_immutable(ss, b"si0", b"r" * 32, b"c" * 32, {0: b""}) 1215 1216 # And try to submit a corruption advisory about a different share 1217 ss.remote_advise_corrupt_share(b"immutable", b"si0", 1, 1218 b"This share smells funny.\n") 1219 1220 self.assertEqual( 1221 [], 1222 os.listdir(ss.corruption_advisory_dir), 1223 ) 1083 1224 1084 1225 … … 1150 1291 e = self.failUnlessRaises(UnknownMutableContainerVersionError, 1151 1292 read, b"si1", [0], [(0,10)]) 1152 self.failUnlessIn(" had magic ", str(e)) 1153 self.failUnlessIn(" but we wanted ", str(e)) 1293 self.assertEqual(e.filename, fn) 1294 self.assertTrue(e.version.startswith(b"BAD MAGIC")) 1295 self.assertIn("had unexpected version", str(e)) 1296 self.assertIn("BAD MAGIC", str(e)) 1154 1297 1155 1298 def test_container_size(self): … … 1374 1517 1375 1518 def compare_leases_without_timestamps(self, leases_a, leases_b): 1376 self.failUnlessEqual(len(leases_a), len(leases_b)) 1377 for i in range(len(leases_a)): 1378 a = leases_a[i] 1379 b = leases_b[i] 1380 self.failUnlessEqual(a.owner_num, b.owner_num) 1381 self.failUnlessEqual(a.renew_secret, b.renew_secret) 1382 self.failUnlessEqual(a.cancel_secret, b.cancel_secret) 1383 self.failUnlessEqual(a.nodeid, b.nodeid) 1519 """ 1520 Assert that, except for expiration times, ``leases_a`` contains the same 1521 lease information as ``leases_b``. 1522 """ 1523 for a, b in zip(leases_a, leases_b): 1524 # The leases aren't always of the same type (though of course 1525 # corresponding elements in the two lists should be of the same 1526 # type as each other) so it's inconvenient to just reach in and 1527 # normalize the expiration timestamp. We don't want to call 1528 # `renew` on both objects to normalize the expiration timestamp in 1529 # case `renew` is broken and gives us back equal outputs from 1530 # non-equal inputs (expiration timestamp aside). It seems 1531 # reasonably safe to use `renew` to make _one_ of the timestamps 1532 # equal to the other though. 1533 self.assertEqual( 1534 a.renew(b.get_expiration_time()), 1535 b, 1536 ) 1537 self.assertEqual(len(leases_a), len(leases_b)) 1384 1538 1385 1539 def test_leases(self): … … 3147 3301 self.failUnless(output["get"]["99_9_percentile"] is None, output) 3148 3302 3303 immutable_schemas = strategies.sampled_from(list(ALL_IMMUTABLE_SCHEMAS)) 3149 3304 3150 3305 class ShareFileTests(unittest.TestCase): 3151 3306 """Tests for""" 3152 3307 3153 def get_sharefile(self ):3154 sf = ShareFile(self.mktemp(), max_size=1000, create=True )3308 def get_sharefile(self, **kwargs): 3309 sf = ShareFile(self.mktemp(), max_size=1000, create=True, **kwargs) 3155 3310 sf.write_share_data(0, b"abc") 3156 3311 sf.write_share_data(2, b"DEF") … … 3158 3313 return sf 3159 3314 3160 def test_read_write(self): 3315 @given(immutable_schemas) 3316 def test_read_write(self, schema): 3161 3317 """Basic writes can be read.""" 3162 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3318 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3163 3319 self.assertEqual(sf.read_share_data(0, 3), b"abD") 3164 3320 self.assertEqual(sf.read_share_data(1, 4), b"bDEF") 3165 3321 3166 def test_reads_beyond_file_end(self): 3322 @given(immutable_schemas) 3323 def test_reads_beyond_file_end(self, schema): 3167 3324 """Reads beyond the file size are truncated.""" 3168 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3325 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3169 3326 self.assertEqual(sf.read_share_data(0, 10), b"abDEF") 3170 3327 self.assertEqual(sf.read_share_data(5, 10), b"") 3171 3328 3172 def test_too_large_write(self): 3329 @given(immutable_schemas) 3330 def test_too_large_write(self, schema): 3173 3331 """Can't do write larger than file size.""" 3174 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3332 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3175 3333 with self.assertRaises(DataTooLargeError): 3176 3334 sf.write_share_data(0, b"x" * 3000) 3177 3335 3178 def test_no_leases_cancelled(self): 3336 @given(immutable_schemas) 3337 def test_no_leases_cancelled(self, schema): 3179 3338 """If no leases were cancelled, IndexError is raised.""" 3180 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3339 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3181 3340 with self.assertRaises(IndexError): 3182 3341 sf.cancel_lease(b"garbage") 3183 3342 3184 def test_renew_secret(self): 3185 """ 3186 A lease loaded from a share file can have its renew secret verified. 3343 @given(immutable_schemas) 3344 def test_long_lease_count_format(self, schema): 3345 """ 3346 ``ShareFile.__init__`` raises ``ValueError`` if the lease count format 3347 given is longer than one character. 3348 """ 3349 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 3350 self.get_sharefile(schema=schema, lease_count_format="BB") 3351 3352 @given(immutable_schemas) 3353 def test_large_lease_count_format(self, schema): 3354 """ 3355 ``ShareFile.__init__`` raises ``ValueError`` if the lease count format 3356 encodes to a size larger than 8 bytes. 3357 """ 3358 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 3359 self.get_sharefile(schema=schema, lease_count_format="Q") 3360 3361 @given(immutable_schemas) 3362 def test_avoid_lease_overflow(self, schema): 3363 """ 3364 If the share file already has the maximum number of leases supported then 3365 ``ShareFile.add_lease`` raises ``struct.error`` and makes no changes 3366 to the share file contents. 3367 """ 3368 make_lease = partial( 3369 LeaseInfo, 3370 renew_secret=b"r" * 32, 3371 cancel_secret=b"c" * 32, 3372 expiration_time=2 ** 31, 3373 ) 3374 # Make it a little easier to reach the condition by limiting the 3375 # number of leases to only 255. 3376 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema, lease_count_format="B") 3377 3378 # Add the leases. 3379 for i in range(2 ** 8 - 1): 3380 lease = make_lease(owner_num=i) 3381 sf.add_lease(lease) 3382 3383 # Capture the state of the share file at this point so we can 3384 # determine whether the next operation modifies it or not. 3385 with open(sf.home, "rb") as f: 3386 before_data = 3387 3388 # It is not possible to add a 256th lease. 3389 lease = make_lease(owner_num=256) 3390 with self.assertRaises(struct.error): 3391 sf.add_lease(lease) 3392 3393 # Compare the share file state to what we captured earlier. Any 3394 # change is a bug. 3395 with open(sf.home, "rb") as f: 3396 after_data = 3397 3398 self.assertEqual(before_data, after_data) 3399 3400 @given(immutable_schemas) 3401 def test_renew_secret(self, schema): 3402 """ 3403 A lease loaded from an immutable share file at any schema version can have 3404 its renew secret verified. 3187 3405 """ 3188 3406 renew_secret = b"r" * 32 … … 3190 3408 expiration_time = 2 ** 31 3191 3409 3192 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3410 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3193 3411 lease = LeaseInfo( 3194 3412 owner_num=0, … … 3201 3419 self.assertTrue(loaded_lease.is_renew_secret(renew_secret)) 3202 3420 3203 def test_cancel_secret(self): 3204 """ 3205 A lease loaded from a share file can have its cancel secret verified. 3421 @given(immutable_schemas) 3422 def test_cancel_secret(self, schema): 3423 """ 3424 A lease loaded from an immutable share file at any schema version can have 3425 its cancel secret verified. 3206 3426 """ 3207 3427 renew_secret = b"r" * 32 … … 3209 3429 expiration_time = 2 ** 31 3210 3430 3211 sf = self.get_sharefile( )3431 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3212 3432 lease = LeaseInfo( 3213 3433 owner_num=0, … … 3220 3440 self.assertTrue(loaded_lease.is_cancel_secret(cancel_secret)) 3221 3441 3222 3223 class LeaseInfoTests(unittest.TestCase): 3442 mutable_schemas = strategies.sampled_from(list(ALL_MUTABLE_SCHEMAS)) 3443 3444 class MutableShareFileTests(unittest.TestCase): 3445 """ 3446 Tests for 3447 """ 3448 def get_sharefile(self, **kwargs): 3449 return MutableShareFile(self.mktemp(), **kwargs) 3450 3451 @given( 3452 schema=mutable_schemas, 3453 nodeid=strategies.just(b"x" * 20), 3454 write_enabler=strategies.just(b"y" * 32), 3455 datav=strategies.lists( 3456 # Limit the max size of these so we don't write *crazy* amounts of 3457 # data to disk. 3458 strategies.tuples(offsets(), strategies.binary(max_size=2 ** 8)), 3459 max_size=2 ** 8, 3460 ), 3461 new_length=offsets(), 3462 ) 3463 def test_readv_reads_share_data(self, schema, nodeid, write_enabler, datav, new_length): 3464 """ 3465 ``MutableShareFile.readv`` returns bytes from the share data portion 3466 of the share file. 3467 """ 3468 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3469 sf.create(my_nodeid=nodeid, write_enabler=write_enabler) 3470 sf.writev(datav=datav, new_length=new_length) 3471 3472 # Apply all of the writes to a simple in-memory buffer so we can 3473 # resolve the final state of the share data. In particular, this 3474 # helps deal with overlapping writes which otherwise make it tricky to 3475 # figure out what data to expect to be able to read back. 3476 buf = BytesIO() 3477 for (offset, data) in datav: 3478 3479 buf.write(data) 3480 buf.truncate(new_length) 3481 3482 # Using that buffer, determine the expected result of a readv for all 3483 # of the data just written. 3484 def read_from_buf(offset, length): 3485 3486 return 3487 expected_data = list( 3488 read_from_buf(offset, len(data)) 3489 for (offset, data) 3490 in datav 3491 ) 3492 3493 # Perform a read that gives back all of the data written to the share 3494 # file. 3495 read_vectors = list((offset, len(data)) for (offset, data) in datav) 3496 read_data = sf.readv(read_vectors) 3497 3498 # Make sure the read reproduces the value we computed using our local 3499 # buffer. 3500 self.assertEqual(expected_data, read_data) 3501 3502 @given( 3503 schema=mutable_schemas, 3504 nodeid=strategies.just(b"x" * 20), 3505 write_enabler=strategies.just(b"y" * 32), 3506 readv=strategies.lists(strategies.tuples(offsets(), lengths()), min_size=1), 3507 random=strategies.randoms(), 3508 ) 3509 def test_readv_rejects_negative_length(self, schema, nodeid, write_enabler, readv, random): 3510 """ 3511 If a negative length is given to ``MutableShareFile.readv`` in a read 3512 vector then ``AssertionError`` is raised. 3513 """ 3514 # Pick a read vector to break with a negative value 3515 readv_index = random.randrange(len(readv)) 3516 # Decide on whether we're breaking offset or length 3517 offset_or_length = random.randrange(2) 3518 3519 # A helper function that will take a valid offset and length and break 3520 # one of them. 3521 def corrupt(break_length, offset, length): 3522 if break_length: 3523 # length must not be 0 or flipping the sign does nothing 3524 # length must not be negative or flipping the sign *fixes* it 3525 assert length > 0 3526 return (offset, -length) 3527 else: 3528 if offset > 0: 3529 # We can break offset just by flipping the sign. 3530 return (-offset, length) 3531 else: 3532 # Otherwise it has to be zero. If it was negative, what's 3533 # going on? 3534 assert offset == 0 3535 # Since we can't just flip the sign on 0 to break things, 3536 # replace a 0 offset with a simple negative value. All 3537 # other negative values will be tested by the `offset > 0` 3538 # case above. 3539 return (-1, length) 3540 3541 # Break the read vector very slightly! 3542 broken_readv = readv[:] 3543 broken_readv[readv_index] = corrupt( 3544 offset_or_length, 3545 *broken_readv[readv_index] 3546 ) 3547 3548 sf = self.get_sharefile(schema=schema) 3549 sf.create(my_nodeid=nodeid, write_enabler=write_enabler) 3550 3551 # A read with a broken read vector is an error. 3552 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): 3553 sf.readv(broken_readv) 3554 3555 3556 class LeaseInfoTests(SyncTestCase): 3224 3557 """ 3225 3558 Tests for ````. … … 3280 3613 ) 3281 3614 self.assertFalse(lease.is_cancel_secret(renew_secret)) 3615 3616 @given( 3617 strategies.tuples( 3618 strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** 31 - 1), 3619 strategies.binary(min_size=32, max_size=32), 3620 strategies.binary(min_size=32, max_size=32), 3621 strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** 31 - 1), 3622 strategies.binary(min_size=20, max_size=20), 3623 ), 3624 ) 3625 def test_immutable_size(self, initializer_args): 3626 """ 3627 ``LeaseInfo.immutable_size`` returns the length of the result of 3628 ``LeaseInfo.to_immutable_data``. 3629 3630 ``LeaseInfo.mutable_size`` returns the length of the result of 3631 ``LeaseInfo.to_mutable_data``. 3632 """ 3633 info = LeaseInfo(*initializer_args) 3634 self.expectThat( 3635 info.to_immutable_data(), 3636 HasLength(info.immutable_size()), 3637 ) 3638 self.expectThat( 3639 info.to_mutable_data(), 3640 HasLength(info.mutable_size()), 3641 ) -
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r531fe30b r18891d9e 20 20 import re 21 21 import json 22 from unittest import skipIf 23 from six.moves import StringIO 22 24 23 25 from twisted.trial import unittest 24 25 26 from twisted.internet import defer 26 27 from twisted.application import service 27 28 from twisted.web.template import flattenString 29 from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath 30 from twisted.python.runtime import platform 28 31 29 32 from foolscap.api import fireEventually … … 32 35 UnknownMutableContainerVersionError, UnknownImmutableContainerVersionError 33 36 from import StorageServer 34 from import BucketCountingCrawler 35 from import LeaseCheckingCrawler 37 from import ( 38 BucketCountingCrawler, 39 _LeaseStateSerializer, 40 ) 41 from import ( 42 LeaseCheckingCrawler, 43 _HistorySerializer, 44 ) 36 45 from import ( 37 46 StorageStatus, 38 47 StorageStatusElement, 39 48 remove_prefix 49 ) 50 from allmydata.scripts.admin import ( 51 migrate_crawler, 52 ) 53 from allmydata.scripts.runner import ( 54 Options, 40 55 ) 41 56 from .common_util import FakeCanary … … 377 392 self.failUnlessEqual(len(lah), 1) 378 393 self.failUnlessEqual(lah, [ (0.0, DAY, 1) ] ) 379 self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["leases-per-share-histogram"], { 1: 1})394 self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["leases-per-share-histogram"], {"1": 1}) 380 395 self.failUnlessEqual(so_far["corrupt-shares"], []) 381 396 sr1 = so_far["space-recovered"] … … 428 443 self.failIf("estimated-remaining-cycle" in s) 429 444 self.failIf("estimated-current-cycle" in s) 430 last = s["history"][ 0]445 last = s["history"]["0"] 431 446 self.failUnlessIn("cycle-start-finish-times", last) 432 self.failUnlessEqual(type(last["cycle-start-finish-times"]), tuple)447 self.failUnlessEqual(type(last["cycle-start-finish-times"]), list) 433 448 self.failUnlessEqual(last["expiration-enabled"], False) 434 449 self.failUnlessIn("configured-expiration-mode", last) … … 438 453 self.failUnlessEqual(type(lah), list) 439 454 self.failUnlessEqual(len(lah), 1) 440 self.failUnlessEqual(lah, [ (0.0, DAY, 6)] )441 442 self.failUnlessEqual(last["leases-per-share-histogram"], { 1: 2, 2: 2})455 self.failUnlessEqual(lah, [ [0.0, DAY, 6] ] ) 456 457 self.failUnlessEqual(last["leases-per-share-histogram"], {"1": 2, "2": 2}) 443 458 self.failUnlessEqual(last["corrupt-shares"], []) 444 459 … … 588 603 589 604 s = lc.get_state() 590 last = s["history"][ 0]605 last = s["history"]["0"] 591 606 592 607 self.failUnlessEqual(last["expiration-enabled"], True) 593 608 self.failUnlessEqual(last["configured-expiration-mode"], 594 ("age", 2000, None, ("mutable", "immutable")))595 self.failUnlessEqual(last["leases-per-share-histogram"], { 1: 2, 2: 2})609 ["age", 2000, None, ["mutable", "immutable"]]) 610 self.failUnlessEqual(last["leases-per-share-histogram"], {"1": 2, "2": 2}) 596 611 597 612 rec = last["space-recovered"] … … 732 747 733 748 s = lc.get_state() 734 last = s["history"][ 0]749 last = s["history"]["0"] 735 750 736 751 self.failUnlessEqual(last["expiration-enabled"], True) 737 752 self.failUnlessEqual(last["configured-expiration-mode"], 738 ("cutoff-date", None, then,739 ("mutable", "immutable")))753 ["cutoff-date", None, then, 754 ["mutable", "immutable"]]) 740 755 self.failUnlessEqual(last["leases-per-share-histogram"], 741 { 1: 2, 2: 2})756 {"1": 2, "2": 2}) 742 757 743 758 rec = last["space-recovered"] … … 925 940 h = s["history"] 926 941 self.failUnlessEqual(len(h), 10) 927 self.failUnlessEqual(max( h.keys()), 15)928 self.failUnlessEqual(min( h.keys()), 6)942 self.failUnlessEqual(max(int(k) for k in h.keys()), 15) 943 self.failUnlessEqual(min(int(k) for k in h.keys()), 6) 929 944 d.addCallback(_check) 930 945 return d … … 1015 1030 def _check(ignored): 1016 1031 s = lc.get_state() 1017 last = s["history"][ 0]1032 last = s["history"]["0"] 1018 1033 rec = last["space-recovered"] 1019 1034 self.failUnlessEqual(rec["configured-buckets"], 4) … … 1111 1126 def _after_first_cycle(ignored): 1112 1127 s = lc.get_state() 1113 last = s["history"][ 0]1128 last = s["history"]["0"] 1114 1129 rec = last["space-recovered"] 1115 1130 self.failUnlessEqual(rec["examined-buckets"], 5) … … 1140 1155 return d 1141 1156 1157 @skipIf(platform.isWindows(), "pickle test-data can't be loaded on windows") 1158 def test_deserialize_pickle(self): 1159 """ 1160 The crawler can read existing state from the old pickle format 1161 """ 1162 # this file came from an "in the wild" tahoe version 1.16.0 1163 original_pickle = FilePath(__file__).parent().child("data").child("lease_checker.state.txt") 1164 root = FilePath(self.mktemp()) 1165 storage = root.child("storage") 1166 storage.makedirs() 1167 test_pickle = storage.child("lease_checker.state") 1168 with"wb") as local,"rb") as remote: 1169 local.write( 1170 1171 # convert from pickle format to JSON 1172 top = Options() 1173 top.parseOptions([ 1174 "admin", "migrate-crawler", 1175 "--basedir", storage.parent().path, 1176 ]) 1177 options = top.subOptions 1178 while hasattr(options, "subOptions"): 1179 options = options.subOptions 1180 options.stdout = StringIO() 1181 migrate_crawler(options) 1182 1183 # the (existing) state file should have been upgraded to JSON 1184 self.assertFalse(test_pickle.exists()) 1185 self.assertTrue(test_pickle.siblingExtension(".json").exists()) 1186 serial = _LeaseStateSerializer(test_pickle.path) 1187 1188 self.assertEqual( 1189 serial.load(), 1190 { 1191 u'last-complete-prefix': None, 1192 u'version': 1, 1193 u'current-cycle-start-time': 1635003106.611748, 1194 u'last-cycle-finished': 312, 1195 u'cycle-to-date': { 1196 u'leases-per-share-histogram': { 1197 u'1': 36793, 1198 u'2': 1, 1199 }, 1200 u'space-recovered': { 1201 u'examined-buckets-immutable': 17183, 1202 u'configured-buckets-mutable': 0, 1203 u'examined-shares-mutable': 1796, 1204 u'original-shares-mutable': 1563, 1205 u'configured-buckets-immutable': 0, 1206 u'original-shares-immutable': 27926, 1207 u'original-diskbytes-immutable': 431149056, 1208 u'examined-shares-immutable': 34998, 1209 u'original-buckets': 14661, 1210 u'actual-shares-immutable': 0, 1211 u'configured-shares': 0, 1212 u'original-buckets-mutable': 899, 1213 u'actual-diskbytes': 4096, 1214 u'actual-shares-mutable': 0, 1215 u'configured-buckets': 1, 1216 u'examined-buckets-unknown': 14, 1217 u'actual-sharebytes': 0, 1218 u'original-shares': 29489, 1219 u'actual-buckets-immutable': 0, 1220 u'original-sharebytes': 312664812, 1221 u'examined-sharebytes-immutable': 383801602, 1222 u'actual-shares': 0, 1223 u'actual-sharebytes-immutable': 0, 1224 u'original-diskbytes': 441643008, 1225 u'configured-diskbytes-mutable': 0, 1226 u'configured-sharebytes-immutable': 0, 1227 u'configured-shares-mutable': 0, 1228 u'actual-diskbytes-immutable': 0, 1229 u'configured-diskbytes-immutable': 0, 1230 u'original-diskbytes-mutable': 10489856, 1231 u'actual-sharebytes-mutable': 0, 1232 u'configured-sharebytes': 0, 1233 u'examined-shares': 36794, 1234 u'actual-diskbytes-mutable': 0, 1235 u'actual-buckets': 1, 1236 u'original-buckets-immutable': 13761, 1237 u'configured-sharebytes-mutable': 0, 1238 u'examined-sharebytes': 390369660, 1239 u'original-sharebytes-immutable': 308125753, 1240 u'original-sharebytes-mutable': 4539059, 1241 u'actual-buckets-mutable': 0, 1242 u'examined-buckets-mutable': 1043, 1243 u'configured-shares-immutable': 0, 1244 u'examined-diskbytes': 476598272, 1245 u'examined-diskbytes-mutable': 9154560, 1246 u'examined-sharebytes-mutable': 6568058, 1247 u'examined-buckets': 18241, 1248 u'configured-diskbytes': 4096, 1249 u'examined-diskbytes-immutable': 467443712}, 1250 u'corrupt-shares': [ 1251 [u'2dn6xnlnsqwtnapwxfdivpm3s4', 4], 1252 [u'2dn6xnlnsqwtnapwxfdivpm3s4', 1], 1253 [u'2rrzthwsrrxolevmwdvbdy3rqi', 4], 1254 [u'2rrzthwsrrxolevmwdvbdy3rqi', 1], 1255 [u'2skfngcto6h7eqmn4uo7ntk3ne', 4], 1256 [u'2skfngcto6h7eqmn4uo7ntk3ne', 1], 1257 [u'32d5swqpqx2mwix7xmqzvhdwje', 4], 1258 [u'32d5swqpqx2mwix7xmqzvhdwje', 1], 1259 [u'5mmayp66yflmpon3o6unsnbaca', 4], 1260 [u'5mmayp66yflmpon3o6unsnbaca', 1], 1261 [u'6ixhpvbtre7fnrl6pehlrlflc4', 4], 1262 [u'6ixhpvbtre7fnrl6pehlrlflc4', 1], 1263 [u'ewzhvswjsz4vp2bqkb6mi3bz2u', 4], 1264 [u'ewzhvswjsz4vp2bqkb6mi3bz2u', 1], 1265 [u'fu7pazf6ogavkqj6z4q5qqex3u', 4], 1266 [u'fu7pazf6ogavkqj6z4q5qqex3u', 1], 1267 [u'hbyjtqvpcimwxiyqbcbbdn2i4a', 4], 1268 [u'hbyjtqvpcimwxiyqbcbbdn2i4a', 1], 1269 [u'pmcjbdkbjdl26k3e6yja77femq', 4], 1270 [u'pmcjbdkbjdl26k3e6yja77femq', 1], 1271 [u'r6swof4v2uttbiiqwj5pi32cm4', 4], 1272 [u'r6swof4v2uttbiiqwj5pi32cm4', 1], 1273 [u't45v5akoktf53evc2fi6gwnv6y', 4], 1274 [u't45v5akoktf53evc2fi6gwnv6y', 1], 1275 [u'y6zb4faar3rdvn3e6pfg4wlotm', 4], 1276 [u'y6zb4faar3rdvn3e6pfg4wlotm', 1], 1277 [u'z3yghutvqoqbchjao4lndnrh3a', 4], 1278 [u'z3yghutvqoqbchjao4lndnrh3a', 1], 1279 ], 1280 u'lease-age-histogram': { 1281 "1641600,1728000": 78, 1282 "12441600,12528000": 78, 1283 "8640000,8726400": 32, 1284 "1814400,1900800": 1860, 1285 "2764800,2851200": 76, 1286 "11491200,11577600": 20, 1287 "10713600,10800000": 183, 1288 "47865600,47952000": 7, 1289 "3110400,3196800": 328, 1290 "10627200,10713600": 43, 1291 "45619200,45705600": 4, 1292 "12873600,12960000": 5, 1293 "7430400,7516800": 7228, 1294 "1555200,1641600": 492, 1295 "38880000,38966400": 3, 1296 "12528000,12614400": 193, 1297 "7344000,7430400": 12689, 1298 "2678400,2764800": 278, 1299 "2332800,2419200": 12, 1300 "9244800,9331200": 73, 1301 "12787200,12873600": 218, 1302 "49075200,49161600": 19, 1303 "10368000,10454400": 117, 1304 "4665600,4752000": 256, 1305 "7516800,7603200": 993, 1306 "42336000,42422400": 33, 1307 "10972800,11059200": 122, 1308 "39052800,39139200": 51, 1309 "12614400,12700800": 210, 1310 "7603200,7689600": 2004, 1311 "10540800,10627200": 16, 1312 "950400,1036800": 4435, 1313 "42076800,42163200": 4, 1314 "8812800,8899200": 57, 1315 "5788800,5875200": 954, 1316 "36374400,36460800": 3, 1317 "9331200,9417600": 12, 1318 "30499200,30585600": 5, 1319 "12700800,12787200": 25, 1320 "2073600,2160000": 388, 1321 "12960000,13046400": 8, 1322 "11923200,12009600": 89, 1323 "3369600,3456000": 79, 1324 "3196800,3283200": 628, 1325 "37497600,37584000": 11, 1326 "33436800,33523200": 7, 1327 "44928000,45014400": 2, 1328 "37929600,38016000": 3, 1329 "38966400,39052800": 61, 1330 "3283200,3369600": 86, 1331 "11750400,11836800": 7, 1332 "3801600,3888000": 32, 1333 "46310400,46396800": 1, 1334 "4838400,4924800": 386, 1335 "8208000,8294400": 38, 1336 "37411200,37497600": 4, 1337 "12009600,12096000": 329, 1338 "10454400,10540800": 1239, 1339 "40176000,40262400": 1, 1340 "3715200,3801600": 104, 1341 "44409600,44496000": 13, 1342 "38361600,38448000": 5, 1343 "12268800,12355200": 2, 1344 "28771200,28857600": 6, 1345 "41990400,42076800": 10, 1346 "2592000,2678400": 40, 1347 }, 1348 }, 1349 'current-cycle': None, 1350 'last-complete-bucket': None, 1351 } 1352 ) 1353 second_serial = _LeaseStateSerializer(serial._path.path) 1354 self.assertEqual( 1355 serial.load(), 1356 second_serial.load(), 1357 ) 1358 1359 @skipIf(platform.isWindows(), "pickle test-data can't be loaded on windows") 1360 def test_deserialize_history_pickle(self): 1361 """ 1362 The crawler can read existing history state from the old pickle 1363 format 1364 """ 1365 # this file came from an "in the wild" tahoe version 1.16.0 1366 original_pickle = FilePath(__file__).parent().child("data").child("lease_checker.history.txt") 1367 root = FilePath(self.mktemp()) 1368 storage = root.child("storage") 1369 storage.makedirs() 1370 test_pickle = storage.child("lease_checker.history") 1371 with"wb") as local,"rb") as remote: 1372 local.write( 1373 1374 # convert from pickle format to JSON 1375 top = Options() 1376 top.parseOptions([ 1377 "admin", "migrate-crawler", 1378 "--basedir", storage.parent().path, 1379 ]) 1380 options = top.subOptions 1381 while hasattr(options, "subOptions"): 1382 options = options.subOptions 1383 options.stdout = StringIO() 1384 migrate_crawler(options) 1385 1386 serial = _HistorySerializer(test_pickle.path) 1387 1388 self.maxDiff = None 1389 self.assertEqual( 1390 serial.load(), 1391 { 1392 "363": { 1393 'configured-expiration-mode': ['age', None, None, ['immutable', 'mutable']], 1394 'expiration-enabled': False, 1395 'leases-per-share-histogram': { 1396 '1': 39774, 1397 }, 1398 'lease-age-histogram': [ 1399 [0, 86400, 3125], 1400 [345600, 432000, 4175], 1401 [950400, 1036800, 141], 1402 [1036800, 1123200, 345], 1403 [1123200, 1209600, 81], 1404 [1296000, 1382400, 1832], 1405 [1555200, 1641600, 390], 1406 [1728000, 1814400, 12], 1407 [2073600, 2160000, 84], 1408 [2160000, 2246400, 228], 1409 [2246400, 2332800, 75], 1410 [2592000, 2678400, 644], 1411 [2678400, 2764800, 273], 1412 [2764800, 2851200, 94], 1413 [2851200, 2937600, 97], 1414 [3196800, 3283200, 143], 1415 [3283200, 3369600, 48], 1416 [4147200, 4233600, 374], 1417 [4320000, 4406400, 534], 1418 [5270400, 5356800, 1005], 1419 [6739200, 6825600, 8704], 1420 [6825600, 6912000, 3986], 1421 [6912000, 6998400, 7592], 1422 [6998400, 7084800, 2607], 1423 [7689600, 7776000, 35], 1424 [8035200, 8121600, 33], 1425 [8294400, 8380800, 54], 1426 [8640000, 8726400, 45], 1427 [8726400, 8812800, 27], 1428 [8812800, 8899200, 12], 1429 [9763200, 9849600, 77], 1430 [9849600, 9936000, 91], 1431 [9936000, 10022400, 1210], 1432 [10022400, 10108800, 45], 1433 [10108800, 10195200, 186], 1434 [10368000, 10454400, 113], 1435 [10972800, 11059200, 21], 1436 [11232000, 11318400, 5], 1437 [11318400, 11404800, 19], 1438 [11404800, 11491200, 238], 1439 [11491200, 11577600, 159], 1440 [11750400, 11836800, 1], 1441 [11836800, 11923200, 32], 1442 [11923200, 12009600, 192], 1443 [12009600, 12096000, 222], 1444 [12096000, 12182400, 18], 1445 [12182400, 12268800, 224], 1446 [12268800, 12355200, 9], 1447 [12355200, 12441600, 9], 1448 [12441600, 12528000, 10], 1449 [12528000, 12614400, 6], 1450 [12614400, 12700800, 6], 1451 [12700800, 12787200, 18], 1452 [12787200, 12873600, 6], 1453 [12873600, 12960000, 62], 1454 ], 1455 'cycle-start-finish-times': [1634446505.241972, 1634446666.055401], 1456 'space-recovered': { 1457 'examined-buckets-immutable': 17896, 1458 'configured-buckets-mutable': 0, 1459 'examined-shares-mutable': 2473, 1460 'original-shares-mutable': 1185, 1461 'configured-buckets-immutable': 0, 1462 'original-shares-immutable': 27457, 1463 'original-diskbytes-immutable': 2810982400, 1464 'examined-shares-immutable': 37301, 1465 'original-buckets': 14047, 1466 'actual-shares-immutable': 0, 1467 'configured-shares': 0, 1468 'original-buckets-mutable': 691, 1469 'actual-diskbytes': 4096, 1470 'actual-shares-mutable': 0, 1471 'configured-buckets': 1, 1472 'examined-buckets-unknown': 14, 1473 'actual-sharebytes': 0, 1474 'original-shares': 28642, 1475 'actual-buckets-immutable': 0, 1476 'original-sharebytes': 2695552941, 1477 'examined-sharebytes-immutable': 2754798505, 1478 'actual-shares': 0, 1479 'actual-sharebytes-immutable': 0, 1480 'original-diskbytes': 2818981888, 1481 'configured-diskbytes-mutable': 0, 1482 'configured-sharebytes-immutable': 0, 1483 'configured-shares-mutable': 0, 1484 'actual-diskbytes-immutable': 0, 1485 'configured-diskbytes-immutable': 0, 1486 'original-diskbytes-mutable': 7995392, 1487 'actual-sharebytes-mutable': 0, 1488 'configured-sharebytes': 0, 1489 'examined-shares': 39774, 1490 'actual-diskbytes-mutable': 0, 1491 'actual-buckets': 1, 1492 'original-buckets-immutable': 13355, 1493 'configured-sharebytes-mutable': 0, 1494 'examined-sharebytes': 2763646972, 1495 'original-sharebytes-immutable': 2692076909, 1496 'original-sharebytes-mutable': 3476032, 1497 'actual-buckets-mutable': 0, 1498 'examined-buckets-mutable': 1286, 1499 'configured-shares-immutable': 0, 1500 'examined-diskbytes': 2854801408, 1501 'examined-diskbytes-mutable': 12161024, 1502 'examined-sharebytes-mutable': 8848467, 1503 'examined-buckets': 19197, 1504 'configured-diskbytes': 4096, 1505 'examined-diskbytes-immutable': 2842640384 1506 }, 1507 'corrupt-shares': [ 1508 ['2dn6xnlnsqwtnapwxfdivpm3s4', 3], 1509 ['2dn6xnlnsqwtnapwxfdivpm3s4', 0], 1510 ['2rrzthwsrrxolevmwdvbdy3rqi', 3], 1511 ['2rrzthwsrrxolevmwdvbdy3rqi', 0], 1512 ['2skfngcto6h7eqmn4uo7ntk3ne', 3], 1513 ['2skfngcto6h7eqmn4uo7ntk3ne', 0], 1514 ['32d5swqpqx2mwix7xmqzvhdwje', 3], 1515 ['32d5swqpqx2mwix7xmqzvhdwje', 0], 1516 ['5mmayp66yflmpon3o6unsnbaca', 3], 1517 ['5mmayp66yflmpon3o6unsnbaca', 0], 1518 ['6ixhpvbtre7fnrl6pehlrlflc4', 3], 1519 ['6ixhpvbtre7fnrl6pehlrlflc4', 0], 1520 ['ewzhvswjsz4vp2bqkb6mi3bz2u', 3], 1521 ['ewzhvswjsz4vp2bqkb6mi3bz2u', 0], 1522 ['fu7pazf6ogavkqj6z4q5qqex3u', 3], 1523 ['fu7pazf6ogavkqj6z4q5qqex3u', 0], 1524 ['hbyjtqvpcimwxiyqbcbbdn2i4a', 3], 1525 ['hbyjtqvpcimwxiyqbcbbdn2i4a', 0], 1526 ['pmcjbdkbjdl26k3e6yja77femq', 3], 1527 ['pmcjbdkbjdl26k3e6yja77femq', 0], 1528 ['r6swof4v2uttbiiqwj5pi32cm4', 3], 1529 ['r6swof4v2uttbiiqwj5pi32cm4', 0], 1530 ['t45v5akoktf53evc2fi6gwnv6y', 3], 1531 ['t45v5akoktf53evc2fi6gwnv6y', 0], 1532 ['y6zb4faar3rdvn3e6pfg4wlotm', 3], 1533 ['y6zb4faar3rdvn3e6pfg4wlotm', 0], 1534 ['z3yghutvqoqbchjao4lndnrh3a', 3], 1535 ['z3yghutvqoqbchjao4lndnrh3a', 0], 1536 ] 1537 } 1538 } 1539 ) 1540 1142 1541 1143 1542 class WebStatus(unittest.TestCase, pollmixin.PollMixin): -
TabularUnified src/allmydata/web/ ¶
r531fe30b r18891d9e 257 257 if so_far["corrupt-shares"]: 258 258 add("Corrupt shares:", 259 T.ul( ( ["SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share260 for corrupt_sharein so_far["corrupt-shares"] ]259 T.ul( ( ["SI %s shnum %d" % (si, shnum) 260 for si, shnum in so_far["corrupt-shares"] ] 261 261 )))) 262 262 return tag("Current cycle:", p) … … 268 268 if not h: 269 269 return "" 270 last = h[max(h.keys())] 270 biggest = str(max(int(k) for k in h.keys())) 271 last = h[biggest] 271 272 272 273 start, end = last["cycle-start-finish-times"] … … 291 292 if last["corrupt-shares"]: 292 293 add("Corrupt shares:", 293 T.ul( ( ["SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share294 for corrupt_sharein last["corrupt-shares"] ]294 T.ul( ( ["SI %s shnum %d" % (si, shnum) 295 for si, shnum in last["corrupt-shares"] ] 295 296 )))) 296 297
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