Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#195 build an .exe installer for 64-bit Windows 7 (and preferably 8) daira enhancement major 0.7.0 fixed
#2921 release v1.13.0 daira defect normal 1.12.1 was already fixed
#2754 remove "" file, variable application name Brian Warner <warner@…> task normal 1.10.2 fixed
#2873 remove obsolete dependency on "pycrypto" daira defect normal 1.12.1 fixed
#2856 remove/conditionalize "shutilwhich" dependency meejah task normal 1.12.0 fixed
#2283 replace _auto_deps with a pkg_resources API call GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2872 stop checking package versions and paths from pkg_resources daira defect normal 1.12.1 duplicate
#2876 tox won't run on ubuntu xenial: python3 daira defect major 1.12.1 fixed
#2910 updating setuptools with setup_requires causes build failure warner defect normal 1.12.1 fixed
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