Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2328 consider adding "install the python-dev package" step to quickstart warner defect normal documentation 1.10.0
#2436 "tahoe --version" shouldn't show scary diagnostic warnings daira defect normal packaging 1.10.0
#2447 `tahoe cp alias1:dir1/fname alias1:dir2/fname .` overwrites one of the files warner defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.10.0
#2460 webapi.rst should document that Range requests are supported daira defect normal documentation 1.10.1
#2461 should document out-of-range errors daira defect normal documentation 1.10.1
#2462 remove bare asserts for segment out-of-range errors in mutable retrieve warner defect normal code-mutable 1.10.1
#2470 Build Failure AttributeError 'module' has no 'version' daira defect normal packaging 1.10.1
#2479 Run the automated test suite on PyPy daira enhancement normal dev-infrastructure 1.10.1
#2459 webapi doesn't handle Range header correctly daira defect major code-frontend-web 1.10.0
#2465 build failure: mock vs zetuptoolz warner defect major packaging 1.10.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.