Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#1820 standard host metadata standards http new enhancement minor
#824 WUI pages lack correct XHTML 1.0 Transitional declarations standards html assigned daira defect normal
#1666 test that an upload with no Content-Length (and not chunked) gives HTTP 411 Length Required http standards webapi new defect normal
#1764 tahoe webapi gives HTTP 410 Gone for files that may actually come back http standards test-needed new ChosenOne defect normal
#1850 Design new caps to be resilient against human transcription errors. newurls usability standards uri new davidsarah defect normal
#1890 submit proposal for restrict-referrer-leakage to the CSP standardizers and implementors referer referrer standards capleak research assigned davidsarah task normal
#1934 abolish timezones twisted standards time pratchett aliens error aesthetics interstellar-exploration new defect normal
#2126 send application/json content-type for JSON response json http mime standards webapi new defect normal
#2138 file formatting conventions for text files in our source repo docs standards charset utf-8 bom new blaisep enhancement normal
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs assigned daira task normal
#318 wapi: test that we return 200 or 201 as appropriate standards test new defect major
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects kpreid docs standards test http new defect major
#462 PUT should elicit 100 Continue curl hang reliability http standards new defect major
#965 CLI commands should follow HTTP redirects forward-compatibility http standards easy assigned lebek defect major
#1485 web-API: POSTs and GETs should be to distinct URLs newurls http usability webapi standards assigned davidsarah defect major
#2125 don't cache failures! error etag standards http new defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.