Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1657 Sneakernet grid scenario new nobody enhancement normal undecided
#2123 Build intermitently-connected replication-only storage grid new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2124 Add [storage].max_shares configuration option new enhancement normal undecided
#2127 Disambiguate "client" and "gateway" occurrences in Tahoe-LAFS docs assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2131 Create Launchpad PPAs for stable and daily builds new task normal soon
#2135 Add --print-uri option to "tahoe backup" to dump resulting backup URI new amontero enhancement normal soon
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? new amontero enhancement normal undecided
#2144 Tahoe-LAFS as website hosting storage backend new enhancement normal undecided
#2853 Sort out version reporting on Docker new defect normal undecided
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.