Custom Query (110 matches)


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Results (101 - 110 of 110)

1 2

Resolution: somebody else's problem (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1769 Install error on Windows Vista install setup windows vista error distutils setuptools killyourtv defect closed major
#2217 SandboxViolation: mkdir('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/__pycache__', 511) {} setuptools distribute build cffi cryptography daira defect closed normal
#2468 updates to indirect dependencies cause build failures packaging setuptools daira defect closed normal

Resolution: was already fixed (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1779 'python' without a command produces confusing output setuptools packaging error usability defect closed minor

Resolution: None (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1452 clarify policy about what versions of dependencies Tahoe-LAFS requires packaging setuptools exocet testing somebody defect new major
#2055 Building tahoe safely is non-trivial install security eggs pip setuptools packaging daira defect new major
#2020 write requirements doc for what we want from a package installer setuptools defect new normal
#2733 excessively verbose warning about IrrationalVersionError setuptools error pywin32 windows daira defect reopened normal
#1443 use exocet instead of the builtin Python module loader setuptools packaging exocet somebody enhancement new minor
#1736 LAFS does not come with a pony usability aesthetics packaging setuptools forward-compatibility mlp world-domination joke warner enhancement new minor
1 2
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