Custom Query (28 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#615 Can JavaScript loaded from Tahoe access all your content which is loaded from Tahoe? newcaps confidentiality integrity preservation capleak gsoc websec assigned davidsarah defect critical
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS security integrity confidentiality pyopenssl heartbleed docs assigned blaisep defect critical
#127 Cap URLs leaked via HTTP Referer header confidentiality integrity preservation capleak research websec assigned davidsarah defect major
#465 add a mutable-file cache performance cache mutable confidentiality memory new enhancement major
#562 add a "censor" command to filter out sensitive information from log files privacy logging confidentiality new somebody defect major
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap confidentiality verify repair usability tahoe-check wui anti-censorship excess-authority new daira defect major
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files confidentiality integrity preservation verify repair newcaps tahoe-backup usability anti-censorship excess-authority assigned warner defect major
#674 controlled access to your WUI wui confidentiality privacy anti-censorship websec new nobody enhancement major
#685 [needs test] Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log logging memory privacy confidentiality test-needed new somebody defect major
#794 create DSA writecaps from a passphrase newcaps newurls usability confidentiality integrity new enhancement major
#821 A script in a file viewed through the WUI can obtain the file's read cap newcaps newurls confidentiality capleak websec assigned davidsarah defect major
#840 Allow all CLI commands to take arguments from stdin or a file, to avoid caps being visible to other local users security confidentiality integrity usability new enhancement major
#847 create internal VerifierNode/RepairerNode classes confidentiality integrity verify repair new somebody task major
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) security integrity confidentiality privacy windows foolscap twisted docs assigned davidsarah defect major
#922 The URL of the info page for an unknown dirnode should not grant authority to the containing directory capleak integrity confidentiality newurls assigned davidsarah defect major
#995 It's way too easy to give away write directory caps wui jsui usability confidentiality capleak websec new nobody defect major
#997 The webapi/WUI should have https enabled by default confidentiality wui webapi capleak new nobody defect major
#1164 use ChaCha⊕AES encryption confidentiality new somebody enhancement major
#1176 webapi should avoid using plaintext temporary file for uploads confidentiality new defect major
#1368 make the added convergence secret be a per-file configuration defaults usability confidentiality convergence new nobody defect major
#1422 https node.url is not verified by httplib https security integrity confidentiality new nobody defect major
#1415 WUI is more useful than CLI security privacy capleak integrity confidentiality new defect normal
#1535 Allow restricting Tahoe-LAFS gateway to one user by supporting Unix sockets wui cli socket unix security confidentiality integrity capleak new enhancement normal
#1989 foolscap: "an inbound callRemote ... failed" log entries include all arguments memory confidentiality capleak logging foolscap new warner defect normal
#2018 padding to hide the size of plaintexts confidentiality privacy compression newcaps research new nejucomo enhancement normal
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? websec confidentiality privacy wui webapi docs new amontero enhancement normal
#2369 Support encryptionless sftp using sftp-over-tcp performance security confidentiality integrity new HoverHell enhancement normal
#907 Stop caps from leaking to phishing-filter servers capleak integrity confidentiality forward-compatibility newurls docs websec assigned davidsarah defect minor
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