Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#941 SFTP frontend fails when listing a directory containing a mutable file, because it relies on node.get_size() to be an integer closed defect critical code-frontend 1.6.0
#531 SFTP frontend needs tests closed defect major code-frontend 1.2.0
#911 Create a specification for the servers of happiness behavior closed task major documentation 1.5.0
#929 Dirnodes can be created without "tahoe" metadata closed defect major code-dirnodes 1.5.0
#1028 CLI option --node-url should allow https url closed defect major code-frontend-cli 1.6.1
#1034 MetadataSetter does not enforce restriction on setting "tahoe" subkeys closed defect major code-dirnodes 1.6.1
#1062 Renamed Title in xhtml files closed defect major code-frontend-web 1.6.1
#968 Typo correction for the munin plugin tahoe_storagespace closed defect minor documentation 1.6.0
#973 Fix warnings found by pylint closed defect minor code 1.6.0
#987 Wording fix for docs/running.html closed defect minor documentation 1.6.0
#1027 Changing format of some documentation files closed enhancement minor documentation 1.6.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.