Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1280 deal with fragile, but disposable, bucket state files new daira defect normal soon
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) assigned francois defect minor undecided
#1229 Memory leak during deep-check assigned francois defect major soon
#1264 Performance regression for large values of K new francois defect major soon
#1032 Display active HTTP upload operations on the status page new nobody enhancement minor eventually
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files assigned warner defect major soon
#641 tahoe backup should be able to backup symlinks new defect normal undecided
#789 Support Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip in the WAPI new enhancement minor undecided
#851 tahoe backup exclude option only matches on filename instead of path new enhancement major eventually
#917 Amazon S3 compatible frontend new enhancement minor eventually
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.