Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#1679 Nondeterministic NoSharesError for direct CHK download in 1.8.3 and 1.9.1 download cache closed nejucomo defect major
#844 Support ETags for immutable files in web front-end performance cache closed enhancement major
#990 Web gateway should avoid caching plaintext of downloads confidentiality download cache webapi closed nobody defect major
#465 add a mutable-file cache performance cache mutable confidentiality memory new enhancement major
#316 add caching to tahoe proper? cache performance fuse smb preservation new somebody enhancement major
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads availability preservation cache anti-censorship placement backend rollback add-only new leif enhancement major
#606 backupdb: add directory cache backupdb news-done cache performance closed enhancement major
#1885 cloud backend: redundant reads of chunks from cloud when downloading large files cloud-backend cache download performance closed defect normal
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. webapi cache extension newcaps assigned zooko enhancement minor
#300 macfuse: need some sort of caching fuse mac cache performance closed robk defect major
#1126 maybe have separate code paths for upload and repair performance availability cache upload new defect major
#1869 pluggable backends: serialize backend operations on a shareset cloud-backend storage shareset cache test-needed closed zooko defect normal
#1240 remove ResponseCache in favour of MDMFSlotReadProxy's cache mutable cache reviewed closed davidsarah defect major
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory dirnode cache performance tahoe-cp new defect normal
#451 webdav frontend webdav cache twisted gsoc new enhancement normal
#935 zandr's FUSE/NAS idea fuse smb sftp sshfs webdav cache preservation gsoc new enhancement major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.