36 | | By the way I think that Brian in comment:3 is showing that he is confused about the difference between distributions (sometimes called packages, especially by the rest of the world outside of Python), packages (directories that have {{{__init__.py}}} files in them, and modules (importable bundles of Python code). The {{{pkg_resources}}} API is intended to express a dependency on a project, i.e. a range (possibly "any") of versions of distributions of that project. (Note the name begins with "pkg", which stands for "distribution". Ha ha.) |
| 36 | By the way I think that Brian in comment:3 is showing that he is confused about the difference between distributions (sometimes called packages, especially by the rest of the world outside of Python), packages (directories that have {{{__init__.py}}} files in them), and modules (importable bundles of Python code). The {{{pkg_resources}}} API is intended to express a dependency on a project, i.e. a range (possibly "any") of versions of distributions of that project. (Note the name begins with "pkg", which stands for "distribution". Ha ha.) |