#1168 closed defect

make setup.py more easily patchable by OS packagers — at Initial Version

Reported by: davidsarah Owned by: somebody
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.11.0
Component: packaging Version: 1.8β
Keywords: install setuptools debian ubuntu Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


Packaging Tahoe-LAFS for OS distributions (e.g. Debian or Ubuntu) currently requires that setup.py be patched, so that setuptools doesn't try to satisfy Tahoe's dependencies by downloading eggs or by deciding to use a different version of the dependency than would be provided by an OS package.

The attached diff adds an {{external_dependency_management}}} switch to setup.py to cause this change in behaviour. It doesn't remove the need for a patch, but makes such patches much more likely to apply cleanly.

Change History (1)

Changed at 2010-08-11T01:39:45Z by davidsarah

add 'external_dependency_management' flag to setup.py (context diff)

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