#1641 assigned defect

fix regressions in convergent uncoordinated write detection — at Version 16

Reported by: kevan Owned by: kevan
Priority: major Milestone: soon
Component: code-mutable Version: 1.9.0
Keywords: upload mutable mdmf sdmf Cc: zooko
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by daira)

Comment 4 in ticket 546 describes a fix made to the mutable publisher to allow it to tolerate unknown shares in certain circumstances without raising an UncoordinatedWriteError. In the pre-1.9 publisher, this is implemented by comparing the checkstring (seqnum, roothash, salt) of the unexpected share with the checkstring of the file being published. If they're the same, then the unexpected share is assumed to be either a share that the publish operation placed earlier or an uncoordinated convergent write, and tolerated without an uncoordinated write error. The 1.9 publisher changes this behavior in two ways.

The first change is a bug. The checkstring that the check examines is set on lines 296, 496, and 828 of publish.py:

        self._checkstring = self.writers.values()[0].get_checkstring()

self.writes.values()[0] can be an instance of either MDMFSlotWriteProxy or SDMFSlotWriteProxy. MDMFSlotWriteProxy returns a different checkstring than SDMFSlotWriteProxy; specifically, MDMFSlotWriteProxy returns the checkstring associated with the file version we're writing, while SDMFSlotWriteProxy returns the checkstring associated with the existing share (if any). Only MDMFSlotWriteProxy returns the checkstring associated with the current version of the mutable file, which is necessary in order for the #546 check to behave the same as in the pre-1.9 publisher. The fix for this issue is to change SDMFSlotWriteProxy to return the same checkstring as MDMFSlotWriteProxy.

The second change is a design flaw. On line 987, I added the following:

        # We need to remove from surprise_shares any shares that we are
        # knowingly also writing to that server from other writers.

        # TODO: Precompute this.
        known_shnums = [x.shnum for x in self.writers.values()
                        if x.server == server]
        surprise_shares -= set(known_shnums)
        self.log("found the following surprise shares: %s" %

which essentially exempts any surprise share that we know we're supposed to be writing during the publish operation from the #546 check. The 1.9 publisher offers no guarantees that all writes to a particular server will return before _got_write_answer is called to handle the results for a particular write. So a surprise share that is associated with a convergent and concurrent write might have either the checkstring of the current publish operation or the checkstring of the version associated with the existing share. The #546 check only accepts the share in the first case, which is probably why I added the exemption. It would be better to modify the #546 check to be specific about the second case instead of exempting all shares whose numbers match those we're writing. Alternatively, the #546 check could be retained as-is if we alter the publisher's control flow so that _got_write_answer is only executed for a response from a particular server after all writes to that server have completed. Since the publisher is designed to follow the existing share placement when placing a new version of a mutable file, it is likely that uncoordinated writers would try to place the same shares in the same places as one another. The exemption that is there now hurts the publisher's ability to detect this situation.

The practical impact of the first regression is that SDMF publish operations are less able to figure out when they need to abort a publish and try again after another map update. The practical impact of the second regression is that the publisher might not detect uncoordinated writes that it would have been able to detect before 1.9, and that it might take longer to detect uncoordinated writes than before 1.9.

Change History (17)

comment:1 Changed at 2011-12-18T00:40:48Z by zooko

  • Cc zooko added

comment:2 Changed at 2011-12-18T01:52:42Z by zooko

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed at 2011-12-18T02:20:33Z by zooko

The practical impact of the first regression is that SDMF publish operations are less able to figure out when they need to abort a publish and try again after another map update.

When does this situation arise? And what happens in this situation, with the current 1.9.0 version, that isn't good?

comment:4 Changed at 2011-12-18T02:20:46Z by zooko

  • Keywords upload mutable mdmf sdmf added

comment:5 follow-up: Changed at 2011-12-18T03:03:50Z by kevan

The only example I've thought of so far involves storage servers with shares associated with a file that's being updated joining the grid in between the map update step and the publish step (so the servermap doesn't know about their shares). The old publisher would interpret the unknown shares as evidence of an uncoordinated write and cause the upload to fail. The new publisher might not; if each of the new servers happens to have a subset of the shares allocated to it by the publisher, or if the file is SDMF and the unknown shares are from a certain previous version of the mutable file, the new publisher will ignore them. That's bad because we want the publisher to have as much information as possible before publishing, and we should interpret shares that we didn't know about before publishing as evidence that we need to gather more information before pushing new shares.

(is that unclear? I could try to make a concrete example if that'd help.)

comment:6 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed at 2011-12-18T04:00:33Z by zooko

Replying to kevan:

(is that unclear? I could try to make a concrete example if that'd help.)

I think I understand. A concrete example might help me and others understand better.

It sounds to me as though this is unlikely to cause a practical problem for users of Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.0.

As an aside, I think the bigger picture here is that the "robustness of upload" semantics are too complicated for users (or even for *me*!!) to understand what the intended result is, much less to understand what the intended behavior is, much less to understand what effects the deviations from that behavior (bugs) have. Kevan's project to unify mutable and immutable upload semantics and to fix the bugs in his Servers Of Happiness semantics are a step in the right direction, in my humble opinion.

comment:7 Changed at 2011-12-29T00:24:06Z by zooko

  • Owner changed from nobody to kevan

Kevan: do you agree with my assessment that this is not urgent for Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.1? I'm not sure that I understand it well enough to judge. I also don't know how much work, or how risky, it would be to attempt to fix it for 1.9.1.

comment:8 Changed at 2011-12-29T00:40:24Z by kevan

I don't think it's particularly urgent, and agree with your assessment regarding 1.9.1. I have a series of patches in my local tree that fix it; that doesn't speak to the riskiness of the fix, but it means that most of the work is already done if we want it in 1.9.1.

comment:9 Changed at 2011-12-29T06:08:04Z by zooko

  • Owner changed from kevan to warner

Brian: could you please look at this and decide if you want it in 1.9.1? (Personally, I'm already a tad uncomfortable with the non-critical-bug-fix changes that are slated for 1.9.1, and I would probably have opted for branching 1.9.1 from the 1.9.0 release instead of from trunk.)

Kevan: could you go ahead and attach a patch to this ticket?

Changed at 2012-01-01T01:09:28Z by kevan

first cut at fixing #1641

comment:10 Changed at 2012-01-01T01:14:14Z by kevan

attachment:fix-1641.darcs.patch is my first attempt at fixing this issue. It's unfortunately rather long; longer than I'd prefer for a 1.9.1 release, anyway. I'll try to distill the patchset in attachment:fix-1641.darcs.patch into something leaner if Brian thinks this is a candidate for 1.9.1.

comment:11 Changed at 2012-01-09T04:20:49Z by warner

  • Milestone changed from undecided to 1.10.0
  • Owner changed from warner to kevan

I'm ok with deferring this for post-1.9.1, especially given the more pressing fixes that we need to get into 1.9.1 . Let's see if we can land it shortly after that release, though.

comment:12 Changed at 2012-04-01T03:53:55Z by davidsarah

  • Milestone changed from 1.11.0 to 1.10.0

comment:13 Changed at 2012-09-04T16:50:24Z by warner

  • Milestone changed from 1.10.0 to 1.11.0

pushing this out to 1.11. But Kevan: we do want to land this kind of thing. Could you update the patch (unbitrot, simplify) it? We could land it just after the 1.10 release.

comment:14 Changed at 2012-09-08T22:17:32Z by kevan

Sure, I'll take a look at it.

comment:15 Changed at 2012-09-09T00:51:13Z by kevan

  • Status changed from new to assigned

See https://github.com/isnotajoke/tahoe-lafs/tree/1641-uncoordinated-write-detection for progress on this issue. I'm not convinced that I've quite paged all of the context for this ticket back into my head yet, but my gut feeling so far is that the posted patch will need a couple of additional tests. Fortunately the changes themselves haven't bitrotted much.

comment:16 Changed at 2013-11-14T18:01:32Z by daira

  • Component changed from unknown to code-mutable
  • Description modified (diff)
  • Milestone changed from soon to 1.12.0
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