#1658 closed enhancement

drop support for Python < 2.6 — at Version 1

Reported by: zooko Owned by: somebody
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.10.0
Component: packaging Version: 1.9.0
Keywords: packaging backward-compatibility review-needed Cc:
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by zooko)

Let's drop support for versions of Python < 2.6. According to distrowatch's tables about the versions of packages that come with distros, this would exclude Tahoe-LAFS 1.10 from being usable with the included Python on the following versions of major distros:

distro excluded version excluded version release date oldest supported version oldest supported release date Python in oldest supported notes next version Python in next version
Fedora 10 2008-11-25 15 2011-05-24 2.7 rawhide will be 17 2.7.2
Ubuntu 8.10 2008-10-30 10.04 LTS 2010-04-29 2.6 will be 12.04 precise 2.7.2
Debian 5.0 2009-02-15 6.0 2011-02-06 2.6 unstable sid will be 7.0 2.7.2
FreeBSD 7.2 2009-05-04 7.1 2009-01-05 2.5 but upgrading is supposed to be pretty safe within the same major series (7.x) and 7.3 (2010-03-23) has Python 2.6 10 CURRENT 2.7.2
RedHat 5.7 2011-07-21 5.7 2011-07-21 2.4 I'm told that people tend to install their own newer version of Python when they want to use newer Python programs on older RHEL (current, not next) 6.2 2.6.6

Among other benefits, dropping support for Pythons older than 2.6 would allow us to remove the dependency on simplejson and the (complex imperatively decided) dependency on pysqlite.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2012-02-08T13:31:34Z by zooko

  • Description modified (diff)
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