#1947 closed defect

Tor clients share their IP with the introducer — at Initial Version

Reported by: leif Owned by: davidsarah
Priority: normal Milestone: soon
Component: code-nodeadmin Version: 1.9.2
Keywords: privacy anonymity Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


I just found out that clients advertise their IP to the introducer!

Storage servers on a hidden service grid will set their tub.location to their .onion address and send that instead, but clients do not need to be connected to so they don't have their own hidden services and won't set tub.location.

I've been running a hidden service grid for a while and just now realized (via the screenshots in this comment) that the introducer has a list of clients. I have not yet restarted my introducer to confirm that Tor clients are listing their IPs there, but I don't see why they wouldn't be since they don't have tub.location set.

Is there any reason clients need to tell the introducer their addresses at all?

I think the section of configuration.rst that mentions hidden services should include a caveat about how Tahoe is not yet actually ready for anonymous use, mentioning this issue as well as #1942.

I'm setting the milestone to 1.10 in hopes that this documentation change can make the upcoming release.

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