There's a subset of this issue about "distribution names" that is somewhat separate from python module namespaces. Observe:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 (squeeze)
Release: 6.0.7
Codename: squeeze
$ apt-cache search allmydata
$ apt-cache search lafs
tahoe-lafs - Secure distributed filesystem
$ apt-cache search tahoe
tahoe-lafs - Secure distributed filesystem
$ pip search tahoe
allmydata-tahoe - secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem
tahoe - A Flask-based framework that handles the tedious things
pytahoe - Python module for working with the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem.
$ pip search lafs
BaculaFS - Bacula Filesystem in USErspace
pytahoe - Python module for working with the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem.
$ pip search allmydata
allmydata-tahoe - secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem
Notice that in the pypi namespace (which pip searches), there is a collision for tahoe.
Edits: wording, layout, formatting.