9 | | Out of those four patches, I don't believe that [d85a75d7f689cb55ecddb319dc2057f38e4db87a] is relevant, but the other three could be. Especially note that the error message on the FreeBSD and Slackware builders is "twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: Errors snooped, terminating early", and that [f77ec470d75f4b8fb81b1abca4ee3b73f1ad8b22] adds a call to {{{log.err}}}. If that call to {{{log.err}}} is getting called, then that would cause the tests to fail in this way. |
| 9 | Out of those four patches, I don't believe that [d85a75d7f689cb55ecddb319dc2057f38e4db87a] is relevant, but the other three could be. Especially note that the error message on the FreeBSD and Slackware builders is "twisted.trial.unittest.!FailTest: Errors snooped, terminating early", and that [f77ec470d75f4b8fb81b1abca4ee3b73f1ad8b22] adds a call to {{{log.err}}}. If that call to {{{log.err}}} is getting called, then that would cause the tests to fail in this way. |