I noticed today that the full test suite takes 30 minutes on my (slow) linux box. Part of the problem is the size of the files created by the tests: the _trial_temp directory has 340MB of data at the end of the run, which is kind of excessive.
The worst offender is test_mutable, which creates 132MB. test_cli makes 76MB. The next heaviest ones are test_system, test_download, test_dirnode, test_upload, and test_repairer, which create 12MB-14MB each. There's another 6 that produce 5-10MB, and the rest are 3MB or less.
Note: now that we're on tox, the fastest cycle time for a specific test (when you're doing a tight edit-test-coverage-repeat loop) is something like:
- .tox/py27/bin/trial allmydata.test.test_foo.Bar.test_blah
- source .tox/py27/bin/activate
- coverage 'which trial' allmydata.test.test_foo.Bar.test_blah
That won't do anything extra (installs, updates, etc). I'm no longer concerned about having a make quicktest or the like: virtualenvs are good enough for me now.