Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #648, comment 27

2014-09-24T03:20:50Z (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #648, comment 27

    v3 v4  
    1 I like this idea, but I'd like to suggest a FR to go along with this Enhancement.  Specifically I am concerned that the storage nodes have no way to restrict how much disk space they use on a file system, other than the negative value provided by the reserved_space config option.  Would the enhancement to display the storage node's capacity then calculate and report as available only the difference between available disk space for the file system the node is running on and the reserved_space setting?
     1I like this idea, but I'd like to suggest a FR to go along with this Enhancement.  Specifically I am concerned that the storage nodes have no way to restrict how much disk space they use on a file system, other than the negative value provided by the reserved_space config option. 
    3 If there was a disk space setting as I am suggesting, the reported disk space value for a storage node would be more accurately represented.  For example, a storage node run on a volume group could all of a sudden find itself growing unintentionally since adding more PV's to an LV would mean that the reserved_space value would grow the available node's capacity perhaps beyond that which a server admin originally intended.
     3If there was a disk space setting as I am suggesting, the reported disk space value for a storage node would be more accurately represented.  For example, a storage node run on a volume group could all of a sudden find itself growing unintentionally if an admin added more PV's to an LV or VG.  The reserved_space value would then allow the available space to grow to the newly available node's capacity, perhaps beyond that which a server admin originally intended.
    55It's easy to grow a storage nodes capacity, but how does one shrink it after the fact?