#88 closed defect

uploading a directory causes a brief dirnode exception — at Initial Version

Reported by: warner Owned by: warner
Priority: minor Milestone: eventually
Component: code Version: 0.4.0
Keywords: dirnodes Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


I'm not sure why, but uploading a directory (the tahoe source tree), using 'curl', causes a (benign) exception in the vdrive server:

LOCAL: File "/home/amduser/trunk/instdir/lib/allmydata/dirnode.py", line 81, in get LOCAL: raise KeyError?("unable to find key %s" % idlib.b2a(key)) LOCAL: exceptions.KeyError?: 'unable to find key uumzl6h4bokrkamr2z742hexgyg6oin2elowlkdrhfpd5hair3ya===='

I suspect that part of the upload process creates an empty directory and then tries to use it before the operation has completed, or something. I need to poke through the existing dirnodes and find which one references this one.

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