


02:47 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)


20:34 Ticket #781 (wanted: Windows Packaging Master) created by zooko
Lots of people would like to have a binary installer for Windows. See …
18:06 Ticket #780 (Regularly snapshot dev infrastructure.) created by nejucomo
If the dev infrastructure crashes or is maliciously corrupted/deleted, …
17:55 TracStartingPoints edited by nejucomo
Link to TracSecurityOverview (diff)
17:53 WikiStart edited by nejucomo
Make a link to Trac security overview. (diff)
17:53 TracSecurityOverview created by nejucomo
Created a security overview page as a quick guide to Trac users.
17:46 RelatedProjects edited by zooko
add link to Marc Tooley's Perforce script (diff)
17:04 TracStartingPoints edited by nejucomo
Make a pedantic security warning. (diff)
15:21 WikiStart edited by secorp
added link to review by ars technica (diff)
12:42 DownloadDebianPackages edited by zooko
remove unnecessary bit that I suspect might have misled someone (diff)


08:11 Ticket #779 (Package tahoe with ipkg technology for NAS devices) created by arthur
opkg was replaced by ipkg, have an ipkg package for tahoe (then it can …


17:27 Ticket #778 ("shares of happiness" is the wrong measure; "servers of happiness" is ...) created by zooko
metcarob posted a nice clear bug report to the list: …
05:34 Milestone 1.5.0 completed
* new WUI style * remove limit on size of mutable files * prepare …
05:22 Doc edited by zooko
v1.5 release (diff)
05:19 WikiStart edited by zooko
forward-compatibility yay (diff)
05:18 News edited by zooko
add news from front page (diff)
05:09 News edited by zooko
formatting (diff)
05:08 News edited by zooko
v1.5 release (diff)
05:07 WikiStart edited by zooko
v1.5 release (diff)
03:28 WikiStart edited by kpreid
limit width of diagram thumbnail to column width, fix unitless CSS … (diff)
03:17 DownloadDebianPackages edited by zooko
03:16 DownloadDebianPackages edited by zooko
add warning about sadly broken apt-get (diff)


16:21 Ticket #777 (Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps) created by kpreid
There should be a facility to automatically renew the leases of (and …
16:05 Bibliography edited by zooko
add note about AES-128 and Salsa20 on defectoscopy.com (diff)
15:48 Bibliography edited by zooko
link to the FAST paper not the earlier tech report (diff)
15:44 Bibliography edited by zooko
fix formatting, move one minor item to the back shelf (diff)
05:02 InstallDetails edited by swillden
04:48 InstallDetails edited by swillden
04:37 InstallDetails edited by swillden
03:48 InstallDetails edited by swillden
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.