


22:33 WikiStart edited by zooko
presentation at HadoopWorld? (diff)


21:13 WikiStart edited by zooko
Karmic inclusion news (diff)
20:06 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
set URLs back to fixed versions on jacaranda.org (diff)
17:29 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
cleanup (diff)
17:28 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
parenthesize p/N to avoid possible misreading (diff)
16:57 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
correct formula for cost of collision attack #1 (diff)
16:17 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
cost of attack #12 is not relevant because attack #3 is strictly better (diff)
16:14 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
#7 and #8 are really the same attack; merge and renumber (diff)
16:09 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
resistance to attack #7 depends on onewayness of hash (diff)
16:05 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
footnote 5 no longer applicable; remove and renumber (diff)
16:00 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
fix formatting of superscripts; expand n/a (diff)
15:52 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
generalize attack costs for low-success-probability and multi-target … (diff)
15:30 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
SHA-256d does not help for attacks in footnote 7 (diff)
15:21 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
footnote 7 applies to SHA-256 (diff)
15:18 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
15:17 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
note attacks better than brute-force on Merkle-Damgård hashes (diff)
14:00 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
correction to effective hash length for accidental collisions (diff)
04:04 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by zooko
link to my version of the diagram where I changed n to r (diff)
03:47 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
go back to using r = bitlength(R) (diff)
03:41 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
KD in #8 need not be the original KD (diff)
03:39 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
move URL relevant to footnote 2 (diff)
03:34 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
add footnote 6 (diff)
03:29 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
s = bitlength(S) (diff)
03:24 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
typo (diff)
02:49 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
clarification to #6 (diff)
02:48 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
02:39 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
attack #6 depends on onewayness, not preimage resistance (diff)
02:29 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
pre-image -> preimage (diff)
02:27 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
attack #4 depends on second-preimage resistance, not collision resistance (diff)
02:24 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
cost of attack #2 (diff)
02:20 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
hash length for accidental collisions (diff)
02:17 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
security and seeding of RNG that generated K1 (diff)
02:14 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
K1 and plaintext might be encrypted by different enc. schemes (diff)
02:07 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
cost of #8 (diff)
01:54 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
accidental collision; footnote 5 (diff)
01:42 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
can deny service by attacking the network (diff)
01:36 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
01:35 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
formatting (diff)
01:34 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
fix undeletion attacks (diff)
01:18 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
add attack on verify cap (diff)
01:01 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
add denial-of-service (diff)
00:50 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
r -> n (r would have been more consistent, but n is what the diagram uses) (diff)
00:45 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
00:43 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
fix typos and some variable names (diff)


21:58 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by zooko
whee more attacks (diff)
20:52 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong created by zooko
What Could Go Wrong


17:53 Bibliography edited by zooko
update summary of defectoscopy (diff)
17:50 Bibliography edited by zooko
add estream (diff)
17:49 Bibliography edited by zooko
move ChaChaCha20 to The Back Shelf (diff)
17:49 Bibliography edited by zooko
move EnRUPT to the Back Shelf (diff)
02:02 NewCapDesign edited by davidsarah
note possibility of using single protocol for both mutable and … (diff)


17:57 Ticket #812 (server-side crawlers: tolerate corrupted shares, verify shares) created by zooko
From twistd.log on prodtahoe17 data6: […] […] No incident logs.
03:10 NewCapDesign edited by midnightmagic
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.