


19:32 Ticket #3259 (The switch to use pkg_resources breaks frozen builds) closed by Chris Wood <chris@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"710af066d2e175db7d8197006087aa3c4f00f59d/trunk"
19:32 Changeset in trunk [91dd27b0] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #661 from crwood/3259.frozen-pkg_resources-fix …


16:16 Ticket #3260 (Deploy https://github.com/olabini/codebot for Tahoe-LAFS and Foolscap) created by exarkun
Having development activity announced to #Tahoe-LAFS on Freenode is a …


20:10 Changeset in trunk [42f78e6] by Chris Wood <chris@…>
Try fixing YAML formatting in AppVeyor? config file
15:31 Changeset in trunk [105ddc0] by Chris Wood <chris@…>
Add comment re. testing PyInstaller? executables
15:30 Changeset in trunk [ee5a0d27] by Chris Wood <chris@…>
Add 'pip freeze' step to 'pyinstaller' tox testenv
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.